Chapter 2

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"Okay," the red haired girl whose name is Lindsay says as she claps her hands together, 

"Who wants cake?" Gavin, of course being the man-child he is, squeals in excitement. Hanna walks towards me and hands me a square box. 

"Here, I know you will have fun with it." She smiles and goes to get some cake. I rip it open, and it turns out to be a camera. What am I supposed to do? Take pictures? She knows I'm not big on photography. Gavin comes back over, with frosting all over his face and puts an arm around me. 

"You have a little something riiiiight, there." I say gesturing to his entire face. 

"Reeeaally?" He says, his accent thick and adorable, then gives me a kiss on the cheek, making me have frosting over the side of my face. 

"Gaaaaaavin." I whine and go look for a napkin. After I wipe off the frosting, I decide to go explore the office. I like being alone, a lot. I think it’s nice to just walk, even hum a little, and think to myself. I start with upstairs and will work my way down. I feel like I know this place, and the people seem familiar, but, why? I shrug it off and finish up what seems to be the conference room. I head back downstairs and go outside to a huge warehouse with a big set. 

“What the hell is this?” I thought I whispered to myself. 

“It’s where we shoot the podcast every Monday.” Michael says giving me a freaking heart attack. 

“Oh my god, Michael! You scared the shit out of me!” I say, whipping my head around. 

“What are you doing walking around Rooster Teeth?” He asks.

“Just exploring. I like to know about where I am.” I say. I walk towards the podcast set. I sit on the huge couch and check out the set a little more. There’s a bucket next to the couch, three six packs of beer, microphones, an iPad, and a mini sombrero. Michael sits down next to me and starts explaining the stuff.

“Okay, we probably should head back before Gavin gets a search party.” I say, standing up. Michael stands up as well, and we walk back to Achievement Hunter. 

“Vi, Gav’s a really lucky guy. You’re really pretty.” Michael says, almost shyly. I’m a bit taken back, because I’d never expect that to come from Michael. 

“Wow, um, thank you. No one’s ever said anything like that to me.” I can feel my cheeks getting hot, but we’ve made it back to the office already. I sit with Gav, but he’s deep in conversation with Geoff about Peggle. I go on my phone and search about Rooster Teeth. I don't want to seem completely stupid. I get a notification from twitter, that 28 people just followed me, so I check it out. Of course it’s almost all the people in this office. They are so strange, but I’m starting to like this band of idiots. Gavin laces his fingers with mine, bringing me back to reality. 

“I have so much to tell you.” He says, giving me a kiss, making me want to melt. 

“Okay, Gavin if you want to, you can take the rest of today off.” Burnie says, making me smile and hug Gavin. 

“Hmmm, Nah.” Gav taps my nose and smiles at me. "You're an idiot, Gav." I tap his nose back. Lindsay comes over with camera and starts filming. 

“Aww! Guys, Gavin isn’t scared of girls anymore!” I put my head on his shoulder and stick my tongue out. She starts recording other people and I ask, 

“Why did she record us?” Gav looks at me like I’m crazy, and then realizes that I don’t watch Rooster Teeth. 

“We do this thing called ‘RT Life’, and its clips from us during the week. The community, our fans, loves it!” He says, and I can tell he really loves this job. 

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