Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Three months. Three months had passed and I was still in the same position.

I've been in the same room for three months—whether it was a dungeon, a basement or even an attic I still wouldn't know, I haven't been allowed to live the room for three months.

I felt filthy. I felt myself getting more and more irritated each day—why hadn't anyone found me? We had found Emilie within the span of four days, why when it came to me it did take them months—maybe even longer.

I could be here for years—if I live that long.

Beside me, I heard a groan; "My mind-link still isn't working," The young she-wolf grumbled. "Why aren't I healing already?" Her name was Nadine.

Each month, these creatures would bring a new hostage.

There was Jenny, Rachel and now Nadine. Out of the three, Jenny has been here the longest, and like me - she has almost lost all hope.

Rachel was the one after Jenny, obviously. She went to the bathroom and never returned. Both Jenny and I believed that she had been murdered and we caught ourselves wondering;

When would it be our turn?

Nadine has been here for only three days and she was quickly getting on my nerves. I was quick to realise that after the first few days here, the fear drained from me and I began to get tired of everything.

It must sound like I've lost hope—that's only because I have.

"Oh shut up, Nadine. Your mind-link won't work, for the ten-thousandth time." Jenny growled at Nadine, both irritated and tired.

Obviously, our mind-link wouldn't work, because every 4 hours, those filthy rogues who stole us from our homes inject us with enough wolfsbane to stop our wolf, which stops our abilities.

So we're basically humans.

"How would you know? You don't' even try anymore" Nadine whined. Throughout the last few days with her, Jenny and I had come to learn that Nadine was quite a child, with an immature mentality. It was like being stuck with a seven-year-old child who lost their blanket.

I doubt that if her mind-link ever worked, that anyone would reply—I sure as hell wouldn't.

"Nadine, we've been here for months now, you've been here for three short days, so I suggest you just shut the hell up because whatever you try will not work. Don't waste your time, it's useless." I growled lowly at Nadine. I wasn't looking at her, but I could feel her eyes on me, glaring daggers through my body.

Before she could say anything else to me, we were surrounded by the sound of bashing and slamming of doors. The walls shook as the sounds were getting louder and louder. Suddenly, a loud growl echoed through the house—a familiar growl however I couldn't place it.

Beside me, I heard Nadine squeal. "I knew they would hear me." She beamed, giving both Jenny and I a little side-eye and she tried sitting up straight with her wrists and ankles still chained.

The noises got louder, and the growls got longer—it was getting closer and I was anticipating someone launching themselves through the door any moment now.

It wasn't until I heard an intensely loud roar that rumbled through the house—hitting the room we were stuck in—that I finally recognised who they were and what was happening.

I felt my body flare up, involuntarily lunging my body to the front—pulling my arms forward with the chains holding me in place. I knew by now that my eyes had brightened up, flashing flecks of gold as my wolf awakened.

"Alpha!" I roared, however it wasn't Jared that roared—

--It was Hayden. 

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