~Alex’s POV~
“Jordan, I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t even see you coming!” I said in a blurt, still trying to recover.
He looks at me softly like he was just dazed by me for a second… And my heart skipped a beat the way he was looking at me, so sweetly, when all the sudden, he turned his face into a nasty smirk and said, “Watch where you’re going nerd.” And he walked away, bumping into my shoulder lightly.
It shocked me the way he was talking to me, his attitude towards me and my clumsy accident.
It was an accident for Pete’s sake!!!
He needs to watch where he was going too!!
I looked back at him and I just wanted to rip his hair out of his head for a moment… till I realized it was….
My crush of ten years.
He is such a dick now! What happened to him??
I looked back at him wanting to call him a dick, when I saw him turn around as he was about to go around the corner where I wouldn’t be able to see him. It’s like he wanted to glance at me for the last time. I saw his face change from a cocky smirk to a sad face.
What was the sad face for? Why would he look back at me to glance at me for the last time?
I felt funny thinking only one thing… could he possibly have a thing for me? A nerd? Me?
No, never, what a stupid, stupid thought. I should slap myself for thinking that!! C’mon! It’s Jordan Montana we are talking about…. He doesn’t care for anyone but himself!!!
Why do I even like him so much anyways? He’s rude and ignorant. So not my type, yet I still come back and think how gorgeous he is.
Jordan Montana… <3… sigh.
~Jordan’s POV~
I saw some guy walk out of Alex’s class, and then I saw Alex, walking out right after that guy, looking at that guy’s direction in her gazed look. I wonder what that was all about.
I was standing there for quite some time thinking if I should bump into Alex “accidently” and start a conversation with her that way… I want to get to know her, I don’t want to go a day without knowing who she really is…
Right as I was about to lightly bump into her, she turns around like a lightning bolt and runs into me with full speed, knocking the very breath out of me!!
WTF ALEX!!!! I thought.
I see her flying down to the floor, and I so badly want to catch her before she hits the tile floor, when I realized I was bent over and I couldn’t move or breathe.
I looked down at her confused face, as I hear my name escaping her sweet pink lips.
Just the fact she knows my name gave me hopes in my heart that one day, I would get to kiss those lips and hold her in my arms forever.
I almost smiled when I thought to myself… wait… I’m Jordan Montana, the player, the one who is popular and does whatever he wants. She doesn’t know the real me. No one should know the real me. I panicked!
I stood up looking at her as she got up… I already fill bad for what I am about to say to her… I hope one day she forgives me.
“Watch where you’re going nerd.” As I walked away, I bumped into her making my msg clear.
I could see that she was shocked when I walked away… I wanted so badly to talk to her today but yet I chickened out…. What’s wrong with me?!?!
She’s is the only girl that makes me feel like this. But she doesn’t know it. No one does.
As I was about to go around the corner out of her sight, I wanted to steal the last glance of her. Because I know she will never forgive me or would ever give me a chance after today. I was a jerk to her.
I looked back and saw her face for the last time. She looked angry. Very angry.
Authors Note: From this point the story is going to start getting juicy ;)
xxx Vicky

I'm a Fool Enough to Believe I Could Ever Be Yours.
Teen FictionA russian girl, Alex, is trying to get Jordans attention who she knew ever since 5th grade. Now they are in their twentys and still never notice each other, or that's what they think. Secretly they are in love with each other but they never talked t...