Hard Candy

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This is my first year at Angelo public charter school in Los Angelo's. On Saturday we did some unpacking."Mum,why did you pick such an expensive house,you know its just the two of us right?"I said. "Levi, this is the most inexpensive house in this area. If it was up to me you know I would have gotten a three bedroom condominium." "But this house looks like we are snobby rich people." The house had a futuristic look to it. There was a white and gray drive way that looked like it was paved with jewels. The paint on the house was a glowing white so when the sun rises the light reflects of if. The inside looked like a mix between modern and older design. I felt like if I was to touch something I would ruin the whole scenery. Also to make us look even richer my mum bought to of my favorite tree out side. The tree's were Japanese cherry blossom trees. The look stunning in the spring and fall. it remained me of when my father would take me on business trips with him to other country's. my favorite was Japan." Alright stop blabbering your mouth and put the things inside." "Alright ,mum" I replied.

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