Whether shes in her physical state or not

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Standing looking out over the grounds of hogwarts in a tower, she knew death was near.she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She hears the door slam behind her.

Mione draco malfoy says with saddness in his voice. He was being forced to murder the girl he loved. Luicus had thought that killing the mudblood would break potter, therefore forcing him into a state of grieve,despare,and,most importantly,weakness. But hermione jean granger was not a quitter. She would at least try to fight for her life. Even though she knew it was impossible to avoid.

Hermione,please. He says tears gathering in his eyes. There was no need to hide his saddness any longer. Not around hermione.

Hermione continued to look across the beautiful grounds of hogwarrs. The lake. The foreest. Even the quiditch pitch. She quietly sighs in sadness.

Hermione felt dracos strong hands clamp around hwr shoulders.


He spins her around to look at him. Tears had already started to fall from his eyes.

She takes another deep breathe and looks at the floor for a second before letting her eyes flutter up to draco's.....

Ok,im ready.

Im sorry... draco says tears still flowing from his eyes.

I know draco. Hermione says, alowing the tears to fall. Her mind wanders to all of the people.she will.miss


I didnt want this... draco says. He turns his head to the ground and lets out a loud sob.


I know draco...


did you love me? Draco says in a low voice..

Hermione doesnt answer

Her parents.

DID YOU LOVE ME HERMIONE JEAN?!! DID YOU?!?! He shouts at her.

The twins.

Hermione refuses to meet his gaze.


Of course,draco she says looking at the ground.


The grabs her wand out his pocket slowly and delicately. His hands are shaking feverously


He slowly rasies it in frount of him. The tears are still flowing, each one burning his cheeks


I love you. He says


I love you too. She says,sobbing


Hermione jean granger didnt make a sound when she died. She just fell

The brightest witch of her age just fell

A brave,loyal,briliant griffindor just fell

But hermione granger did not die that night. Not her spirit.

Oh, her spirit wiill be with you wherever you happen to be.

The silent girl in the back of the room who barely udders a word

The polite stranger who gives you a warm smile on the subway

Yes, all those people are hermione granger.

Because the brightest witch of her age shall never be gone

Just hiding in the shadows giving you the spirit and energy to go on everyday.

Whether shes in her physical state or not....

Short little tramatic dramione story! R&R!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2012 ⏰

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