Chapter 8.

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*Tick tock*
*Tick tock*

Silence only filled the attic, alongside the clock that stood at the other side of the room. However, it was barely audible, he sat in the chair, sharpening the blade of his feeble weapon, bored to death as he waited for midnight to strike again.

Without William knowing, he would escape the attic every now and then. And quickly have his meal, also every now and then. After dinner, he would vomit the so called edible food that was placed on the table

Never knowing why, the food that popped into his mouth never tasted like anything anymore.

Probably because i've been consuming my desserts lately. 

He thought to himself as he sharpened the knife,

"Jay? Jay!"

A voice called out from below, probably Williams. Since his uncle never visits Jay in the attic

Williams, an idiot. But, he's at the same time smart as well, never told him of mother and fa-

Jay winced, his head hurt again.

Ugh, this is starting to-

"Jay!" Williams called out as the trapdoor opened, "ye?" He answered while sheathing the knife back into the holster. "Why were you not at dinner?" Williams questioned with a narrowed eye look, "and lately, you've been eating so less! Are you ill? Anorexia nervosa? Bulimia?!" Jay face palmed and stood up from his chair and winced, "actually, you might be right." Jay answered, falling back to the chair. "What?! We gotta get you treated to a doctor! And i mean now!!!" Williams marched over to Jay with a stern look while Jay just replied with a shake of the head. "I feel fine," Williams grunted and quickly took hold of Jay's hand, "that's what ill patients always say! Come now!!" Williams demanded tugging Jay from the chair. "Argh! No!" He protested while pulling the table along with him, "we gotta goo!!" Williams tugged until Jay gave up and let go.

While Williams dragged him downstairs, followed by a chorus of grunts and yelps.

A few minutes after the doctor was examining Jay, the doc paled and quickly informed the nearest surgeon to prepare for a surgery. "W-what?! Doc what's happening?" Williams yelled in desperation while Jay just slammed his head onto the roof of the table, probably out of boredom.

The doctor cleared his throat and asked. "What has this gentle- no, insignificant individually idiot been eating?" Doc corrected himself and asked in a cold tone, and his eyes seemed to pierce into William's.

Williams thought about this for a moment, and replied with. "Umm, vegetables.. lesser than before though, and he frequently skips dinner alongside with lunch. Why? Is something wrong?" Doc's expression hardened, and he just looked up at Williams in the eyes. "Do you know, the importance of staying healthy?" Doc asked in a cold tone, while Williams just paled and nodded. "Then why hasn't this fellow been eating his fill? And to think that he has been diagnosed.. with this disease.." Doc turned away and heaved a heavy sigh, "i'm afraid i cant help you.." That triggered Williams, slamming his hands onto the table. Williams growled and asked "What- are you talking about?" Doc just shook his head and turned his attention to the other side of the wall. "I'm not sure of it, but.. he might be diagnosed with Kuru, a Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, also known as TSE. A very rare kind of disease, and something that can not be cured." At this, Jay lifted his head up from the table and looked at the Doc. "What?" Jay quickly sat up from the chair and growled, "as i was asking, what the hell have you been eating?" Williams looked shocked since he hasnt seen any doctors curse before while Jay just paled and heaved a heavy sigh. "Nothing really, are you sure it's incurable? And i dont need surgery!" Jay answered and added.

The doctor just shook his head and wrote on a paper. "You little- gah!" Jay growled and quickly left the room, and while Williams was directed to another room.

Upon returning to Williams, Jay looked around in the dark space, and shrugged. "Just me"

However, ever since he walked into that door, he had felt a very cold presence, just staring at him from under the bed or maybe somewhere closer.

He sat down on the couch and fiddled with his knife. He continued to do this until a sound came from the kitchen.

A massive


And followed by footsteps, instinctively, he quickly shot up from the couch and stealth walked towards the kitchen area.

As he got closer he peeked round the corner, what he saw. Shocked him, Jay's eyes widened as he clutched at his knife, readying his weapon.

"What bullshit! Is this what i get for killing a person?" Yelled the attacker.

With quick succession, Jay wrapped one of his hands over the cloaked figure face, covering his vision in the process while extending his right hand to knock the figure unconscious.

With a sufficient amount of forced, Jay pummelled his fist into the guy's neck, not enough force to kill him. But definitely enough to knock him out.

Jay quickly dragged the unconscious body upstairs and into the attic, tying the thief with nothing more than a rope.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he grunted and walked over to his sleeping bag, falling asleep slowly.

Aaaah~ now this is relaxation.

Williams stood outside of his house, looking around to spot any shadowed figures leaving the house by the attic window. Much to his relief

No one came out

"Well that's one problem solved."

Turning the door knob, the door opened with ease and Williams slipped in without any effort.

Taking his jacket off, he sat down on the couch and turned on the Television.

Switching between Cartoons, Games, Movies, Williams quickly grew bored and switched to the news channel on accident.

"-beware! A killer lurks in the shadows, killing anyone he sees. A news report quickly stated this incident as the police still has no visible leads on the attacker. However they were gruesomely murdered, eaten alive or even hacked into pieces. Worse yet, the cannibal has written messages on the walls with blood." Pictures covered the screen of the tv as they were being shown, Williams gazed in horror and quickly turned off the tv only to race to his bathroom to puke. Once he was done, he wiped his mouth and stood there for a few seconds, only to raise up to see a bloodied figure at the side of the toilet.

Jay wiped his mouth from the blood and laid in his sleeping bag, bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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