What Am I?

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"Hey dad? Can I ask you a question?" I asked my father remembering what Cain had said earlier.

"Sure Honey, what do you want to know?" He replied.

"Um, well yesterday I heard a lot of students talking about how they are sick and need to go to the doctors and I thought to myself, 'I haven't ever been to a doctor's office' so um, why haven't I ever been to one dad?" I asked before he sighed. 

"Honey, I think you should sit for this" He said showing her a chair.

"Uh ok?"

"Well, you know how you never really knew you're mother and after she was gone, we left for here?"

"Uh yeah"

"Well, she's an angel, not a human and Angel hunters kept coming to the house and she told me to get you and leave to keep you safe from them"

"Um ok so does that mean I get wings?"

"Yes, first you have to go to an academy first, I could get you signed up for that tomorrow if you would like? But you would have to go there from 6-9 pm everyday for the next month except for the weekends."

"That's fine!!" I said very happily. 

"So, just to be clear, every single day except for the weekends, I go to a place for four hours and learn about wings and Angel stuff so I could get my wings?"

"Yes honey"

"Well then, I can't wait for you to sign me up!!!" 

"Ok, They're not open right now, but I will tomorrow. And you cannot tell anyone about this. Your mother was being hunted by her best friend because they got into and argument. I do not want you to have to go through that." 

"Ok dad, I won't tell anyone, I promise" I said as I hugged him and got ready for bed. 

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