Chapter 15

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"That was nice." Katie hummed, both her arms hugging Shiro's arm to herself. "Thank you, Shiro. I had a good time tonight."

Shiro chuckled. "You don't have to thank me. It's our one year anniversary. I wanted to do something nice for you."

Katie hummed and swayed. "I actually didn't mind wearing a dress tonight. I just think you went a little overboard, Mr. Tux."

"This isn't a tux." Shiro patted his prosthetic down the jacket of the suit. "It's just a nice suit." He grinned down at her as she raised a brow up at him. She rolled her eyes as Shiro laughed. "Alright, we're here. Do you want me to drive you home?"

They paused by his car, then Katie shook her head. "No. I'll call mom and tell her to write herself a note, just in case." Shiro nodded, then led her up to his apartment.


Katie huddled in a blanket on Shiro's couch, her eyes on him as he prepared popcorn and other snacks for their movie, Pacific Rim. Katie loved that movie, Shiro had discovered early in their relationship. She loved the technology and the action. She loved that they had to work together as a team in a giant robot to defeat aliens.

"Alright." Shiro gathered and balanced the snacks and drinks in his hands and arms. "Movie time!"

"Do you need help?" Katie sat up, raising a brow.

Shiro smiled at how cute she was. Katie pulled her hair back into a messy bun atop her head and she wore one of his formal, white shirts, mostly buttoned and the sleeves rolled up so her hands can peek out. The shirt was long enough to cover her neon green and black sports shorts she slept in rather than exercised in. Shiro couldn't see the bra she was wearing, or if she was even wearing one.

He shook his head. "Nope. I got it. Here." He carefully crouched and handed her her cup. Katie smiled, rolling her eyes, and took it. "Don't give me that look. I didn't drop one thing on the way over." Carefully, Shiro slid and set everything on the coffee table. "There. Not one crumb fell, even with my prosthetic."

Katie pouted, both her hands on the cup. "I'm not sure if that was hating your arm or showing me how talented you are."

Shiro hummed, sitting beside her. "Maybe a bit of both. Mostly trying to impress you." Katie sighed, shuffling closer to lean on him. Shiro wrapped his arm around her and started the movie. "I won't do that anymore if it upsets you."

"It does upset me." She stated, curled up against his side under his arm. "Thank you for stopping." Shiro hummed and kissed her head.

He also remembered that this is one of the few movies that actually make her cry.


"This is the only romantic movie I'll watch," Katie muttered as the credits began.

Shiro snorted. "This is not a romantic movie."

Katie raised a brow up at him. "Oh, come on! It so is! That fight with the poles was totally a flirtation session! And she's always eyeing him up!" Katie sat up, eyes sparkling. "And that ending! He saved her, sacrificing himself, then came up, and she thought he was dead! Then they just held each other until help came! Totally romantic."

"Whatever you say." Shiro chuckled, leaning forward to kiss her.

"'Cause whatever I say goes. Right?" She grinned once they pulled apart, her arms sliding over his shoulders.

"Isn't that how relationships work? The woman is always right. Even if she's wrong." Katie nodded in approval, shifting to sit in his lap. Shiro wrapped his arms around her waist. "So Pacific Rim is a romantic movie."

"Exactly." Katie leaned up for a sweet peck on the lips. "Glad to know we don't have to argue about it."

Shiro chuckled. "I'd like to know that we won't argue at all."

Katie snickered. "I think the argument from yesterday was the argument to end all arguments."

"Like the war to end all wars?"

"Yeah, except that didn't work out because just over a decade later, another war started."

"Almost two decades, but not quite."

"So maybe in a decade or two we'll have another argument." Katie giggled, her fingers toying with his hair. "That's a long time to not argue, but you're a pretty peaceful person. I think it could happen."

Shiro shook his head. "But you're the kind of person who enjoys arguments." Katie shrugged, but nodded. He chuckled and pressed his lips to hers. Shiro hummed, circling his thumbs on her hips.

Katie hummed, twirling a lock of white hair around her finger. "I love how soft your hair is."

"Yours is softer." He stated, reaching up and gently tugging her hair out of its hold. Katie's fluffy hair bounced and tumbled over her shoulders. She hummed and smiled as his fingers ran through her hair. "Katie." Shiro murmured, leaning forward once more to catch her lips.

Gently, Shiro pulled Katie closer, his hand tangled in his hair and his fingertips caressing her pale skin just above the elastic of her shorts under his shirt she wore. Katie held his face in her small hands, moaning softly.

Shiro pulled back, Katie panting softly. He stared to pull away, eyes widening slightly. "Katie... Katie, I...."

She furrowed her brows. "What? What's wrong?" Concern glimmered in her eyes, then she leaned up to kiss his forehead. "Shiro, it's okay." His eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed. "You won't hurt me, I know you won't. But if you're not ready... We don't have to."

He opened his eyes to look into hers. Shiro stared for long, drawn out seconds before pulling her back. "I love you, Katie. Besides, our one year anniversary isn't over and I want it to be your favorite day to look back on." Shiro gripped her thighs and stood, pressing his lips to hers more passionately.

Katie squeaked, her thighs tightening around his waist and her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. She then giggled, tilting her head. Shiro smiled against her lips, making sure to turn the tv off before carrying her back to his bedroom.

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