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Song: Now That We're Dead- Metallica

Claire watch this one too girl.

After he fastens the bracelet around my wrist, he pulls it towards it mouth. With his eyes on mine, he places a small kiss on my pulse, which is beating faster than any should be. He kisses it again, then moves up my arm, placing a kiss on every part of exposed skin.

I shiver.

"I'm no good at expressing my emotions, Cathina," he mutters into my arm. "But I want you to know that I will do anything to keep you safe, and by my side... and if that means moving places every second day... then so be it," he kisses my shoulder over my black T-shirt, then moves away. I wish he wouldn't though. I gulp when he gives me that stare of his.

"What about money? What if we-"

"Just let me worry about money, okay?" He starts to retreat to his usual cold self, though I wish he wouldn't.

I shake my head and stand from the bed, ready to go off on him.

"No Andy! Not okay. I'm not some child you have to babysit!" I turn to the man on the bed. "If I'm in this... for good, then I'm going to help. I'll get a job."


"I've already made up my mind, Andy. The next place we settle in, whether it's Florida or fucking south France, I'll be working. Earning money," I asses his reaction, and it's not good. He stands from his spot on the bed as well, towering over me and imposing as always.

"I said no, god damnit!"

He walks towards me as if he is a predator and I his prey. "You are a child, for fucks sakes. You should be in school! You should be failing gym, and studying all night! You should be having your first kiss with a boy your age... I will not let you work, Cathina. I've already made up my mind," he speaks with a dismissive tone.

Are you shitting me?

I feel my nostrils flare, and can't stop my legs from taking me to right in front of him, squaring up. Face to ribcage.

"A child?" I question angrily. He continues to stare down at me, cold and menacing. I step even closer to him, so that my head is tilted all the way back to look into his eyes. "Then I guess that makes you a pedophile, now doesn't it?" I say coldly. His jaw clenches, a muscle twitching in his neck as he breathes deeply, like he's running a marathon.

Looks like I hit him where it hurts.

His hand moves to clutch my waist, but then he decides against it as he pushes past me and slams the door behind him. The wood splinters.

I stand in the middle of the room, my breathing erratic and my face reddened. I hate the way he looks at me like a child. And I should have fucking known the minute he bought me those girls underwear.

I decide to find a book around the house to read and try to distract my racing mind and heart.


I lay on the bed, the hours of the day passing by as I devour the random book I found upstairs. Andy seems to have left the property, and everyone in the house has gone to work or school, which gives me the perfect opportunity to steal Jared's stereo and blast a Metallica album I found in his room. 'Twas a day of emotional cleansing.

Around four o'clock, a knock sounds at my door. All hopes of it being Andy disappear as Nora's face appears in the crack.

"Hello dear," her pretty smile makes me jealous that I'm not her. I put my book down and smile back.

"Andy asked me to do him a little favour. He said its 'absolutely necessary,'" she air quotes the last part.

"...ok," I say hesitantly.

Should I be scared? Is he gonna fucking kick me out?"

Nora pulls out two boxes of 'L'Oréal Excellence Mahogany Hair Dye' and puts them in front of me. "We thought that since you are leaving... a disguise might be a necessity," she gives me a sympathetic look and I sigh. I can't help but admit it's a good idea.

"I... suppose," I say and she smiles cheerily. I reluctantly slide off the bed and follow her into the bathroom.

It takes us an hour and one and a half bottles of the damn stuff, until I'm finally all washed up and drying out my new reddish pink hair. It's beautiful in my opinion, and I can't help but applaud Andy at choosing a colour I would never dare touch. Nora leaves me to finish up, and as I continue to blow dry my moist hair, I decide it would be appropriate to crank my tunes back on and I start dancing to 'Moth Into Flame' by good ole' Metallica.

When I'm finished, completely flushed red from my face to my hair, I exit the hot bathroom and walk to hall to the bedroom, where I leave the stereo on and completely ignore the large black haired man that seems to have returned from his little temper tantrum. I walk past the bed without a glance, though I can tell he's staring at my hair. He better fucking like it.

I move to the corner of the room where my few belongings rest, and begin shoving them into a plastic bag. I really am going to miss this huge house. I decide to just go for it as I grab the locational sweatpants Andy got me days ago and a long T- shirt that I'm sure belongs to him. I pull my red stained one over my head, completely exposing my naked back to him. I don't even get the chance to reach for the other one as I feel Andy snake his hands around my stomach.

I knew this was a bad idea.

His head rests on my shoulder and he brushes the hair away from my neck gently. He kisses the soft skin below my ear. Even with the loud music playing, I still hear the word 'beautiful' being uttered from his lips. I try not to moan. He turns me around sharply, his light eyes snaking over my skin, not missing a single inch as he gives me a once over. He pushes my hips against the wall behind us just as the song 'Now That We're Dead," starts playing. His head hovers over my face, our lips barely brushing each other as he reaches around my waist and grabs a hold of my ass. He lifts me to his level, settling my legs around his hips. I hold him tightly. I peer up into his eyes, dark and cold, though I see something else as well. A light in the dark.

We stare each other down for a few moments, absorbing how attracted we are to each other, me basking in the arousal. Finally his lips descend onto mine, not soft and slow; never soft and slow, but hard and demanding. He captures them completely, his lips hungrily demanding more and more from mine, as I try to keep up and not have a heart attack. He groans into the kiss as his large hands grope my butt. After a few more moments of my inner monologue going fuck fuck fuk fuckkk, he pulls me from the wall and carries me over to the bed, our lips still attacking each other. He grabs my hips and unhooks my legs from his torso. Then he proceeds to lift me off his body and literally throw me onto the bed.

I fall with a squeak, my hair dishevelled and my legs splayed open. He likes this a lot, and I mean a lot, as I hear him groan. He removes his shirt from the back, and I watch his arm muscles contract and grow with awe. His full, six packed, slightly sweaty, torso is on show for me, like a prized trophy. But not for long, as he climbs onto the bed with me, pulling his huge body so that he's completely over me, but still holding his weight on his arms. He looks at me with a sort of dark and primal type of lust, and I try to mirror the expression. The chorus of the Metallica song begins as he watches my throat bob in an obvious gulp. He smirks and crashes his lips to mine.



Peach 🍑

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