Chapter 4: THE information?!

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I do not Kent any of the Characters except Kyō girl. Please support official releases.

On another note I have started using '~' to show which senteces are the characters thoughts.

Oh and I would like to that Firooz and Whenlifegivesulemons for the motivation!!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <-----(not a thought ...)

Haku's P.O.V

I walked into our house and quietly shut the door behind me. If he was asleep I didn't want to wake him up. Of course I would never want to wake Zabuza-sensei from his sleep. Pfft! Ok they maybe true he threatened me last time I did but, I really wanted to trick him now. I'd been syching my self up on the way here.

I slipped off my shoes at the door and neatly placed the to the right. I started to sneak down the hall way listening out for a sound of any movement. It was silent. The only noise came from my gentle footsteps against the wooden floor.

He was asleep. I smurked to myself and added a little speed to my pace until I reached the outside of his door. I softly placed my hand on the handle and gently pulled it down. It made a small metalic creaking sound before i started to slowly push it. I gradually poked my head around the door to see Zabuza sprawled out across his bed. One arm was high above his head and folded so his hand rested on his face. One of his legs was spead right out and pointed to the bottom of the bed, and the other leg was folded in and his foot rested against his other knee.

I started to snicker to myself but, bit my bottom lip to stop myself from making too much noise. I then proceeded and carried on creeping across the room. I looked around to try and see where his sword or book thing were. I saw his sword right next to him leaned up against his bed.

~That might be too risky...~

I turned to look at the desk at the right side of the room. I saw a small book with the white teather across the edge, it said nothing on the front so it wasn't one of the books Zazbuza normally used for information. I went over to the book and looked down at it. This better be the right book.

"Urg... look lady....thats..enough.." Zabuza mumble in his sleep. I shuddered to think what he was dreaming about and I didn't want to know! I some how missed it before but glanced back at him to notice he was sleeping with the bandaged around his mouth. ~Right...Normal...~

I turned grabbed the book and crept towards the door. I placed my hand against the handle and started to pull it down gently.

I felt a rush of wind behind me and past my face before I was frozen. If I had moved any further it would cut my throat. Zabuza had spotted me! He has his sword out in front of me, the semi-circular gap near the hilt around my neck.

"Now Haku.. What do you think your doing?" He questioned obviously still tired but obviously angry.

"Erm well..." I hesitated thinking of an excuse.

"Just remember if you were any one else I wouldn't of had a second thought about killing you, but I need you. Feel lucky. Haku." He interrupted taking the sword away.

"I'm sorry Sensei!" I immediately turned around bowed and held out the book in front of me. Zabuza yanked the book from my hands and hit me lightly on the top of the head with it.

"What were you trying to do any way?" He asked again. I should probably say something this time.

"Well...I thought as you were sleeping I didn't want to wake you, so I was going to write some information in it for you." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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