Chapter Twenty-four

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"I think it went well," Jareth offers.

"Oh? Well, even if it did, the worst part is we only have two weeks to make them think that we're more than friends—"

"I believe we already impressed that upon them, love."

"—and tell them that I am leaving, and to a place they cannot visit, no less."

"I have already set all that in motion."

I steal a glance at him at a stoplight. "What did you do? Does that have to do with your mysterious plan?"

"Yes," Jareth replies simply.

"Well, I guess you are right about them thinking we are more than friends. With the way Dad and Mom interrogated me..."

I can hear his smirk as he says, "I think that kiss left a strong impression."

I choke on my words and feel the heat rise in my cheeks. Why did he mention that?

Jareth saves me from having to reply, telling me some of his executed plans. "I already gave your Dad the impression that I intend to marry you, so they should be accustoming themselves to the idea. As early as tonight you can call them and announce our engagement. That will give them a longer time to become comfortable with the idea of you leaving before you actually do."

At another stoplight, I turn and stare at him. He said everything so matter-of-factly I almost believe it is truth rather than a discussion about deceiving my parents. I quell the uncalled-for emotions that automatically respond to his words.

A car horn startles me from my staring. The light has changed.

We drive in silence for a while. I do not want to ask for further explanation, but Jareth seems just as intent on telling me nothing more voluntarily. We are at the office now, though, so it will have to wait.

When we arrive at my flat, paperwork in hand and information in mind, I plop onto the sofa. I need to speak the information in my head before anything else, in order to remember it.

"I can do the paperwork myself since Dad added my name to the contract when I turned eighteen and then I convinced him to take his name off later. I can give no less than thirty days' notice, although nothing stops me from moving my things out as early as I want. I will still be responsible for the apartment for those thirty days, though, including the cost. The original contract was only for a year and automatically turned over to a month-to-month contract after that, so there is no fee for breaking contract, luckily. With the cost of our shopping trip last night, though, I don't think I can repay Dad fully on top of the cost of another full month of rent, even if I work the next two weeks."

"I repaid you the cost of my clothing."

I look at Jareth, momentarily confused, and then remember the necklace. I look down at it. "But I do not want to sell it."

Jareth chuckles and I look up. What is funny? Suddenly, a coin is weaving in between his fingers with the same mesmerizing grace with which he contact-juggles the crystals.

"We can exchange currency tomorrow—"

"Monday," I correct.

"—and I will pay you back in your human currency. You will not have to sell the necklace. Consider it a gift."

I sputter. "A gift!? Do you know how much—of course you know how much... Still! That is too—"


I stare at Jareth for the umpteenth time today. And for some reason, I do not flinch away when he bends down to me.

"I have been nothing but generous with you, Sarah, though you have given me reason enough to be cruel. You ask me to fulfill your wishes and are unpredictable in snubbing me or accepting my munificence when I do. I am disappointed that you continue to reject" I flinch "my generosity."

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