*Charlie's POV*
My hand is invited into hers, our palms gently pressing together and our fingers intertwined. I feel every breath of hers against my neck, her petite head resting upon my chest.
I never want to move.
I groan softly as I notice her moving out of bed, walking into the bathroom to shower.
My eyes flicker around the empty room, little personality throughout and no sign of colour.
Not wanting to escape the warm covers, I slide back under and scroll through my phone as I wait for Zoe.
A few moments later, Zoe returns to the room fully clothed and her hair tied in a messy bun.
I watch as she sits at her desk in front of her mirror, applying the makeup to her naturally beautiful face. I smile as I lift my phone up and take a quick picture, capturing her beauty.
She slowly glances over, noticing my eyes locked to her body. Her beautiful smile catching my eyes, making me smile widely.
"You're so beautiful."
She blushes with a wide smile. "Thank you."
I slowly walk over towards her, wrapping my cold hands around her body. My hands gentle move the small strands of hair from her neck, kissing it gently and planting one more on her jaw.
She means the world to me.
* Two months later *
My hands clutch to the toilet as I begin to throw up, a small tear rolling down my face. I call for Charlie, he instantly comes running inside and holds my long hair back.
Charlie's hand gently rubbing my back in comfort, his gently words trying to distract me.
I slowly stand onto my sore feet, flushing the toilet and washing my cold hands.
"You really need to go see a doctor Zoe, this is the third time it has happened in the past week."
I nod slowly. "I'll go today."
Charlie takes my hand, guiding me back into the bedroom and handing me his grey hoodie. I slip it on over my white t-shirt, bringing the sleeves close to my nose and closing my eyes for a few seconds.
I am exhausted.
My hand intertwined with Charlie's, as we make our way into the doctor's. My heart pounding as I anticipate finding out what is wrong with me, Charlie tightly holding my hand whoever he notices my anxiety.
"Zoe Williams?" The blonde doctor calls my name, holding tightly onto the clipboard.
I sigh heavily, standing up and walking towards the doctor, Charlie staying close to me.
My body slightly trembles as I step inside the doctors office, sitting down besides her and placing my bag on the floor.
"So Zoe, what seems to be the problem?" She asks with a warming smile, writing down notes as I prepare to speak.
"I've been vomiting a lot and I feel extremely tired all the time."
"Okay," she smiles once more, now typing at her black keyboard. "And how long have you felt like this for?"
"The first time I threw up, was probably Monday."
"I see. Okay, I'm just going to run a few tests on you if that's okay, to see how your general health is."
I nod gently, prepared to do as the doctor says.
She first tests my blood pressure and temperature, recording the results on her computer. Then, she follows up with a simple blood test.
"I need to ask you a few personal questions, would you like to be alone?"
"No, it's okay."
"Okay." She smiles, beginning to ask me questions about my period and cycles.
It was then that my heart dropped; the doctor suggests that I take a pregnancy test.
I look towards Charlie, my eyes filled with fear and his warm hazelnut eyes reassuring me.
"It's okay." He mouths to me, holding my hand once more.
I stand in the bathroom, clutching the unopened pregnancy test. Thoughts filling my head and instantly making me tremble.
One simple test, could change so much for me.
I take a deep breath as I rip open the box, pulling the test out and reading the basic instructions.
I knew how to use one due to it beings common knowledge, but I was willing to do anything to lengthen the time.
I sigh sharply, shaking my bod slightly. "You can do this." I whisper to myself.
I slowly walk over to the toilet, closing my eyes as I take the test.
I pull out a few squares of toilet paper, placing the test on top and resting it on the bathroom counter.
I wash my hands throughly, before bringing them to my mouth as I wait in fear.
The first three minutes felt like hours, as I wait patiently for the results to show up.
I keep checking my phone every few seconds, until I had waited the recommend time.
I take a deep breath, walking over towards the test and slowly opening my eyes.
One line is negative, two is positive.
My hands shake as I pull the test close to my eyes, my eyes taking a while to focus through the tears.
"Charlie," I say calmly. "Please can you come here."

Leave A Message // Charlie Puth
FanfictionWe have all sent an accidental message to an unknown person, but what if that person is a celebrity? Love is portrayed as beautiful and everyone craves it, yet it is attached with pain, heartbreak and countless amount of lies. Should you really trus...