Beau? Is everything okay?

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Emma's P.O.V.

He closed the door and with that I was alone, again. I had thought about calling Lisa, but, let's be clear, if she didn't call me, she is not interested.

I really can understand it. Who would like a friend like me? I didn't give a fuck about her relationship with Daniel and I just wasn't interested in her life, like a real friend would. Selfish? Yes. Guess I am.

I was alone again, Luke had gone and mum would come home soon. I hadn't been alobe one second till the "incident" and if I tell the truth I was scared.

I didn't want to be alone, I didn't know what was going to happen and that scared me even more. Not knowing what would happen when I'm alone.

What scared me the most was something I used to enjoy. Silence. The silence in the house was killing me. I felt insecure and I needed something, someone.

I turned around and I looked at the empty house in front of me. Clean, tidy, warm...empty house.

I sat down on the sofa, afraid of turning on the TV.

I didn't want to listen to music or watch  series but I didn't want to feel alone or be in silence for more time.

I guess I just didn't want to be. I just wanted to disappear. This was the first time I had regretted meeting the boys. The first time I regretted everything.

But I couldn't change anything. The quote "Everything happens for a reason" came into my mind. I smiled ironically.

Why was this going to make my future better? Why was this going to make me stringer? What was the fucking point of almost being forced to have sex?

What. Was. The. Point.

The doorbell rang getting ne out of my thoughts. I stood up and I opened the door. Before I could even talk, a tsunami of kissed and hugs was already on me.

-Hi mum -I said almost out of breath.

-Hello darling -she said finally stopping- How are you my princess?- She said kissing my forehead.

"My princess". She used to call me that when I was little because I always wanted to be a princess when we played in the park.

I always climbed a tree and waited for my prince to carry me to the castle in his big white horse. Always waiting. Always hopeful.

-I'm okay mum. Don't worry -I said smiling weakly. We sat on the sofa.

-I'm going to make you something to eat hun -mum said going to the kitchen.

-Don't worry mum, I have already eaten -I smiled.

She sat next to me on the sofa again. She started kissing my cheeks and hugging me. Suddenly I felt my shoulder wet.

-Mum...are you crying?

-I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry -She started crying hysterically.

-Mum is not your fault okay? It's mine. I shouldn't had gone home alone. I was irresposible and -I put her chin up so she was facing me- I am sorry mum. This would never happen again. -She smiled.

-Emma -she hugged me -When did you get this older? -She chuckled.- Okay princess, go and put your pajama on okay? You can sleep as much as you want, don't worry. -I stood up,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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