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Seokjin squinted against the afternoon sun, its rays glinting off the lush green landscape that stretched before him. His mother's words, cryptic and unsettling, echoed in his mind:

"The answers lie beyond the emerald gates, Seokjin. Find them, and you will find yourself."

He adjusted his grip on the worn leather steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. The journey to this enigmatic mansion had been long, leaving him with a mixture of apprehension and strange anticipation. The road had wound through a tapestry of emerald fields and vibrant forests, the air filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the melodic chirping of unseen birds.

Now, as he reached the crest of a hill, the mansion came into view. It loomed in the distance, a stark silhouette against the azure sky. Its gothic architecture, with towering spires and intricate gargoyles, sent shivers down his spine. He could almost hear the whispers of secrets hidden within its walls.

Parking the car, Seokjin stepped out, his feet sinking into the soft grass. He took a deep breath, the crisp air filling his lungs, and turned towards the imposing structure before him. The emerald gates, as his mother had described, stood ajar, beckoning him forward.

With a resolute nod, Seokjin started towards the mansion, the setting sun casting long shadows that seemed to dance around him. He had no idea what awaited him within its walls, but he knew he had to find the answers his mother had so desperately sought. With each step, his curiosity battled with a growing sense of fear, but he pressed on, driven by an unseen force.

“Is anyone here?”

The heavy oak door slammed shut behind Seokjin with a resonating boom that echoed through the vast, cavernous space. The sudden darkness, punctuated only by the eerie glow of a flickering crystal chandelier overhead, sent a shiver down his spine. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the faint creaking of the ancient floorboards beneath his feet.
Seokjin cautiously ventured forward, his senses on high alert. The air was thick and heavy, carrying the faint scent of dust and decay. The only visible source of light emanated from the crystal chandelier, casting long, distorted shadows that danced across the intricately patterned walls.
As he progressed deeper into the room, his eyes caught a glimpse of movement. His gaze darted towards the source, landing upon a figure sprawled across a plush velvet couch. A handsome blond man, his face relaxed in peaceful slumber, lay curled up on the cushions. His sun-kissed hair tumbled across his forehead, framing features that were sculpted with an almost ethereal beauty.

“Excuse me, can you help me?”
Seokjin stood transfixed, caught in the man's captivating aura. The air around him seemed to crackle with a strange energy, drawing Seokjin closer with an invisible force. His heart hammered against his ribs, a mixture of trepidation and a strange, inexplicable pull towards the sleeping stranger.

Hesitantly, Seokjin took a step closer, his eyes scanning the man's form. He noticed the slight rise and fall of his chest with each breath, the gentle flutter of his eyelids, and the faint hint of a smile playing on his lips. Despite the eerie atmosphere that permeated the room, Seokjin felt a strange sense of calm wash over him, a feeling of safety and belonging that he couldn't explain.

A burning question ignited in Seokjin's mind: who was this man? And why did his presence evoke such a powerful reaction within him? He knew, with a certainty that defied reason, that their lives were somehow intertwined, and that the fate of the mansion, and perhaps even his own, rested in the hands of this slumbering stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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