Tyler felt his body being dragged into another room.
He could taste iron.
He licked his lips.
They were dry and chapped.
His throat was begging for water.
His face ached.
His body ached.
He stopped.
"I-," he got cut off by a sharp slap to the face.
"Shut up!" The man yelled, angered.
Tyler groaned.
"Shut up!" The man yelled out again.
Tyler sat in silence.
Tyler looked down at his body.
They were caked in bruises.
Black and blue.
Some gushing blood.
Tyler scanned his captor.
He turned around.
He was wearing a mask.
Some of his short, dark brown hair peeked through it.
He took a closer step to Tyler.
"My precious little doll.." The man cooed.
He stood face to face with Tyler.
His fingers brushed the end of his mask, he slowly started peeling his mask off, blood dropping down his face.
He revealed a skin mask.
He took someone's face off.. and used it has his mask.