Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Katniss POV

As I hear my door slam behind me I'm still a bit shaken from the previous events. A girl named Annie was in Finnick's room. And apparently that was his girlfriend.

Even though I've tried so hard to fight it, this was definently the last straw. I had to face the fact that I do have feelings for Finnick.

The thought looms in my mind for what it seems like forever. I think the words I've have just thought it will burrow itself in my mind and the only way it will ever get out is if I act on it.
But I can't.

I don't even know what these feelings are. I have never experienced them before. Not with Gale, not with Peeta.
But I'm frustrated because I was so convinced that I did not like him. I didn't want to be just another girl that Finnick could charm. I wanted to be strong. But Finnick broke me. In a good way I guess.

As much as I hate it, I have to realize that I do like Finnick.
I don't normally get like that. Jealousy completely overtook me in a way that it never has before.

I crawl into bed. I skip dinner and getting ready for bed. I just need to close my eyes and figure out how I'm going to get three the rest of the tour.
That night I dreamt of Finnick.

We're in the woods together. I see all the greenery and wild life all around and I feel the presence of the creature just waiting to be hunted. I can feel him watching me as I move threw the the thick green leaves. Branches whipping my face as I make my way out of the forest. Finnick follows, soundlessly.

I creeping threw a hollowed out tree when I fall. Hard. I can feel my body smash into the ground and I can already tell there are injuries. Sprawled on my stomach, I'm able to turn my head over to look behind me where I expect to see Finnick but all I see is a frightened squirrel.

"Finnick" I croak out his name. The response is not something I expected. I turn my head at the noise of a girly giggle only to see the girl named Annie there, pointing at me trying to contain her laughter. She laughs, taunts, ad even kicks me until something even more horrible happens. Finnick joins her. The laugh at me together and Finnick kicks me hard in the back of my head. I shriek out in pain only to cause them to laugh even harder.

Suddenly the ground around begins to crack and break leading straight to hole in the ground.
"Help!" I plea but they only tease me, mockingly waving goodbye to me and having fake frowns as I began to fall.
There laughs fill my ears as darkness surrounds me.


I bolt upright in my bed, feeling the cold sweat return to my body as I shiver and seek warmth.
It was just a dream. It was just a dream. I keep reminding myself this until it seems like a broken record.
I look around my room, trying to focus on anything that could distract me from Finnick.

I began to tell my self instructions like I did in the games. Now you need to get up Katniss. Now you need to shower Katniss.

I obey myself and walk uncomfortably over to the bathroom. I disrobe and slowly step into the shower. I change my mind. I want a bath. I close the shower door and run a bath.
It fills up quite quickly and I fill it with a soapy substance that makes my skin tingle.

I submerge myself in the hit water of the bath and bubbles. I lay my head back and try to forget everything. Home. The Games. Peeta. The Tour. Finnick.

My concentration immdieatly vanished at the thought of his name.
My mind is once again scattered and confused. I have no idea how I feel about Finnick. Or what to do about it.
Surprisingly, the thought of Peeta doesn't bring up any tears.

But I got far. I think about the games and how we were the last 2. Then that stupid rule was changed and Peeta dies. I hate the Capitol. That's what it always leads back to. The Capitol caused all of this.

I realize how long I've been in the bath when my skin starts to feel numb. Before I can become a complete statue I hurry out of the water and quickly get wrapped up in a towel.

Once I'm dressed, I don't go to breakfast. I order food to my room instead. The food comes almost seconds after I put down the phone. I hear knock on the door and I rush over to it, hungry because I didn't eat last night. I swing the door open and happy to see my food. It's only until I look up until I realize its Finnick holding it.

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