Second break at school did I go down to a room down stair. It looks like a old basement. Why haven't I seen it before. Wanted to go in there but not sure I wanna do it alone. Then I asked Ruben and Mathias L wanted to join with me in there. They answerd "Sure" and joined me down to the room. The room looked pretty empty. Full of old books, no windows, 2 chairs, a table and a computer. This room is strange. It's 5 doors there. We looked around to see what we could find. All of the doors in there were locked, without one. I was very curious about this place. Why haven't the teachers or someone told us about it?
But afterwards did the door open by it self. We all were silence and staring at the door opens by it self. I walked slowly up to the door and when the door stopped moving. I could see something written on a wall there. I got a little nervous, but then I said it out loud what it said. "Are you scared?" written with a red color. "Okay that's creepy" Ruben said. "Not a little" Mathias L said. "No, not creepy yet" I said. I walked in to the room and it was dark. I looked around to see if someone were in there. I didn't see anyone there, only a lot of black chairs. "Nothing here" I said. Ruben and Mathias L wanted to be there longer because they thought it was funny and creepy. But I was going out of the room.
When I was at the exit door we heard things falling down from the room. I walked fast to the room and I saw all the chairs has fell down. But how did it just fell like that? I tried to lock the door but I could feel that someone pushed it from behind, but no one was there. "Wait a seck.. Guys! Didn't you guys and they others say that this school is maybe hunted?" I asked. "Well that's what we think, but it can be is just fake and not real" Mathias L answerd. "Well now do you have some proofs" I said. Then something pushed me really hard that I even fell on the ground. The lights started to blink and the boys were so scared that they ran out. I so thought that they were never scared, they should take the word back back because they aren't brave between such things, they are more like pussyes. The lights broke and everything went black. I couldn't see a thing, plus the door was even closed so I even had no idea how to get out of there. I stood silence and didn't move. I had a feeling that someone held on my shoulder. I kept being silence and tried to feel and listen after it. It feels cold. Voices. "Come closer" did I hear. "Come closer my friend". Why did it call me a friend? Does it know me? I could hear it whispering into my ears, I could feel is breathing. They wanted me to go closer to the darkness. Everything turned so cold. It felt like I came longer and longer into the darkness. No light around. Nothing warm just the coldness. I don't know what happened but my eyes slowly started to close. Voices became louder.
Then suprisely the lights turned on by it self. I opened my eyes quickly. I looked around and everything went normal for some reason. I walked out and everything is empty. Did I just miss something? Or where the hell is everyone?

My Horror Diary
Short StoryHere you will read some short stories from my dairies. Is not just some short stories but you will read about sadness, horror, paranormal, Creepypasta, battles, drama, nightmares, adventures but, the interesting part is that all of those stories I'm...