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Arsen: You haven't been paying much attention to me latley.

He crawled ontop of me and smiled.


Carter: What if we do something today?

He continued to swirl parts of my hair with his finger. I shrugged and continued looking up at my phone.

Joey: The last time we went out alone I ended up with an almost broken nose and you literally almost fainted.

Carter: You can't have your mind on Daniel 24/7 Joey.

Joey: He's not on my mind 24/7 Carter.

Carter: Then come on. We'll go out for breakfast. We'll call Troye, Connor, Jacob, Edsta? Besides I want to get out of here before my mom wakes up.

Joey: Ok. Fine.

I got up from his legs. He stood up and walked upstairs, leaving me alone. I laid back down and on my side. I closed my eyes, too tired to function. A few minutes later Carter came back down, slightly shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes to look at him.

Carter: You can sleep in the car. We're meeting them at the Urth Cafe.

I nodded and followed him outside. We got in the car and buckled our seat belts.

Carter: It's been a week since I asked you this but Are you feeling better.

I shrugged and looked out the window.

Joey: Somewhat.

The rest of the car ride was silent. We got off the car and walked to one of the tables outside.

Carter: Now we wait for the other boys.

Joey: Do straight boys go to the movies together or is it too gay for them?

Carter looked at me.

Carter: I don't know...

Carter got out his phone.

Joey: Are you seriously looking it up?

He nodded. I leaned in so I was able to see.

Carter: They do.

He showed me the anwsers for yahoo.

Joey: Oh. Interesting.

Troye and Jacob finally came and sat next to eachother.

Carter: Now we have to wait for Connor and Edsta.

It only took a few minutes till we were all here.

Connor: This is the most gayest table I have ever sat on in my entire life.

We all laughed.

Carter: Does everyone want the same thing as usual?

We all nodded. Carter got up and went inside the restaurant.

Troye: How are you feeling Joey?

Joey: Alright. Better than I was a few days ago.

He nodded.

Connor: You'll get through it. Don't worry.

They both smiled at me. Carter came back. He sat back down and placed the number in the middle of the table.

Troye: You know. Everyone on this table is dating except for you and Carter.

I bit my lip.

Why did he have to ask this question?

Joey: We're just friends...

Troye: You've guys dated before.

I shook my head.

Connor: They've made out before. I was able to slip it out of Carter once.

I placed my face on my hands As I felt my cheeks grow warm.

Troye: When was this!?

Connor: The day after Joey had his first kiss with Daniel.

Carter: Can you guys just stop talking about this?

Troye: Why? It's fun.

I could hear Carter sigh.

Troye: So Joey went to Daniel. Then he went to Carter. Then back to Daniel. Then he left him and now you and Joey are spending quite a lot of time together...

I lifted my head up from my hands.

Joey: We're just friends.

Troye: Friends with benefits.

Joey and Carter: No!

Troye: Then why don't you guys date?

Joey: I just got out of a relastionship Troye.

Carter: We don't want to end up like you and Connor.

They all looked at us. We sat in awkward silence until our food came.


I pulled my shirt on.

Arsen: Why can't you stay?

He sat behind me. I felt Arsen's arms wrap around my torso.

Daniel: Listen. I don't think this is working out between us.

He let go of me.

Arsen: W-what?

Daniel: You heard me Arsen. This isn't working.

I got up from his bed, grabbing my keys and phone.

Arsen: So you're just going to leave me?

Daniel: It's not as fun as it was before.

Arsen: I Love you.

Daniel: My heart belongs to someone else.

Arsen: So your cheating on me?

Daniel: No. But we both know you've been sleeping around with other people. So why does it matter?

He looked at me.

Daniel: I hope you can find someone that will treat you better than I ever can. And i hope one day you will realize just what a slut you are.

I walked out of his place and back home.


I was in a little hurry cause i'm tired and I have to get up at 4 in the morning. But, Daniel liked my picture on instagram!!! :D Gn. 😘✨❤️


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