53 // Livin' La Vida Loca

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C H A P T E R   53 :   L I V I N '   L A   V I D A   L O C A

"She's into superstitions
Black cats and voodoo dolls
I feel a premonition
That girl's gonna make me fall

She's into new sensations
New kicks in the candlelight
She's got a new addiction
For every day and night

She'll make you take your clothes off
And go dancing in the rain
She'll make you live the crazy life
Or she'll take away your pain
Like a bullet to your brain"

One April sunny day, I decided to go grab some coffee with Peter in New York, just so we could do something normal for once instead of swinging off roofs and sending criminals to jail. I had returned to my vigilante life with him at the end of March, much to Logan's dismay, but there was nothing he could do about it. I belonged in the middle of a fight; it's where I felt more alive. Why on earth would I have fallen in love with Logan in the first place if it were not so?

"You're looking unusually chirpy today." Peter commented, taking a sip of his chocolate latte as we sat on the cafe's terrace. I loved these little spaces inserted in the midst of New York's constant buzz and chaos, how we could simply lean back and rest, look at the décor, the plants, hear a hundred words from other languages, the different ways people talked and kept silent. It was as if New York was a bit of the whole world, and the whole world a bit of New York. We could be everything in here; we could even reinvent what everything meant. "I'm starting to think you're sick."

"Yeah, it's called love. Horrible, disgusting disease. Contagious too." I joked, sipping on my salted caramel and brownie frappucino and ignoring Peter's widened eyes and the goofy, silly smile that replaced his lips.

"Holy Guacamole, is there something you want to tell me, Party-Hardy? Are you and Logan, like... a thing?" I didn't think it was humany possible for a single being to radiate so much excitement and happiness, but Peter told me otherwise. He was great at breaking statistics, I wouldn't be surprised if he entered the Guinness World Records for being the smiliest person on the planet. Well, either him or Bianca.

"Maybe, maybe not. What does 'being a thing' imply? Words can be so restrictive and what Logan and I have is so freeing, so wide..." I chukled. "Let's just say we've been under each other's skins in more than one way now."

"Holy Moly, I'm happy for you! I imagine how your private lessons must be going now..."

"We haven't done anything but share a kiss here or there in the mansion." I assured him. In fact, we hadn't crossed any borders again after that night in the woods. "I don't want to disrespect Charles or anyone in there. Besides, next month school ends, and then we'll be free to do whatever we want. We've waited so long for each other, we can wait a little longer."

"You make me proud, child." Peter said, bringing a finger under his eyes to wipe away a fake tear. "And so then, what happens?"

"Hopefully, if no mission comes up and Logan is free, we're going to travel the world."

"Dammit, I'm jealous! A romantic trip? I can already imagine you on the top of the Eiffel Tower and you kneeling on one knee and—"

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." I laughed. "And it's not a romantic trip, Logan and I don't do that. It's... an exploratory one."

"I see." Peter smirked. "You're gonna ride off into the sunset and into each other's bodies."

"Doesn't that sound good?" I beamed. "But before that I'm going to return to my apartment here in New York, settle down. For the first time in my life I like to think about the future, about what it can bring. About what I can do with all its seconds."

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