Chapter 6

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10 days until Christmas 🎄

I woke up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping, the smell of bacon (my dad probably cooked it to motivate him on his latest case), and...crying? No, sobbing. Like, heavy sobbing. The way you sob when someone really important to you dies. Couldn't be my dad, it sounded like it was coming from a female. Probably not Hannah because she'd be way louder. Definitely not Syrena, she's at college. That only leaves two people: Aunt Sage or my mom. Who could it be? I crept up the stairs. One way lead to the guest rooms while the other hallway lead to our family's rooms. It didn't sound like it was coming from the guest rooms. So, it must be my mom because my aunt was asleep. Not for long. I snuck down the hall towards my parents room. Yep, definitely my mom. I slowly opened the door to see her on the bed. She was surrounded by tissues, Coke cans, bags of chips, and was watching a Spanish soap opera.
"¡Envenenaré la bebida de mi hermana! Él será mío y ya no estará dividido entre nosotros. ¡Yo seré su verdadero amor!" I heard for the TV.
"No Francesca, don't poison your sister. Rosa deserves to live!" My mother whined. So, this is what this all is about. Someone poisoning her sister.
"Seriously? All that crying for this?" I said in disbelief.
"No." My mom squeaked. I walked over to her and joined her on her bed.
"What is it." She tried to calm down. At least for the time she has to tell me.
"I-I ca-can't transform in-into a-a-a mer-mermaid!" She wailed and started crying even more. I hugged her. But, how's that possible? My mother is one of the most powerful mermaids in the world. In pretty sure can manage turning from fish to human in the blink of an eye. It's her nature, she's a natural. But, how?
"Mom, I'm going to go to Luke's house." She nodded and continued watching her Spanish Soap opera. How does that women understand a word they're saying? I slipped on some leggings, boots, and a loose grey shirt. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail (which is very abnormal for me) instead of my usual braid. I ran down the steps and started sprinting to Luke's house. As I was running I heard a faint voice.
"What's the hurry, mermaid?" Someone asked. I turned around to see guy. He had dark blond-nearly brown, if not already-hair, dark blue eyes, and his skin was pale, but had more color than Rose. I stumbled backwards.
"H-how do you know that?" I stuttered.
"Well, you really aren't to protective of your secret. Anyone could sneak up on you in a second. After all, you do sit in the open right on the beach." He retorted as he inched closer. I gulped. Was he going to hurt me? How'd he even know what I was. I knew by then I was shaking uncontrollably.
"Wh-who are you? How do you know what I am?"
"I can't exactly tell you that." He told me. He walked over to me and touched me. I yanked away my hand from him.
"You're hot."
"Why thank you." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Not that way, idiot! I mean that, never mind. Do you have a fever? You are very warm. Almost like, like fire." I told him. He smiled.
"What?!" I snapped. What was so good about being warm?
"Bye, Heidi. Don't worry, you'll get your answers soon." He walked off. I continued to go toward Luke's house. That was...odd. How does he know all that stuff about me? Yet alone, my name and that in part fish. He doesn't look familiar.
"Hey," someone called. I looked back.
"Luke!" I ran over and hugged him.
"Hey, are you ok? You looked traumatized and your hand is really warm. Are you sick or.."
"No, I'm fine. My hand, it's been in my pocket." He looked at me and laughed.
"What really happened?"
"That." I replied.
"Well, for one, you don't even have pockets on your clothes." He commented. I looked at my pants and short.
"Right, don't have pockets." I laughed.
"Now, spill it." He demanded.
"Fine. I was walking to your house and this guy came up to me. He's all like your a mermaid and was warm and blah blah blah. Bye now." I sputtered. I started running but he grabbed my wrist.
"He never told me his name. He had brown-blond hair with the tiniest bit of ginger sprinkled in there, dark blue eyes, he may have had specks of orange in his eyes, his skin was maybe the same tone as Hannah's, he had on a maroon sweatshirt, those tan shorts that are similar to khaki, and tan Sanuks. That's really all I remember."
"Carson Flamens." He said.
"Who the heck is that?"
"I don't really know about him.  No one does actually. He's a big mystery to everyone. Just, just don't ever talk to him again, he's trouble. I've heard that he's been arrested twice, stole a bunch of things, and is a real good briber."
"You've heard or you know. He can't be all that bad. I'm going to go back home now. I'll call you later." Ha, I wasn't going home. I'm going to find Carson. My plan would totally work out. Luke wouldn't even find out what I was scheming. He's not that observant; he practically oblivious.
"Bye." I walked off to the place where I last saw him. I saw him sitting on the hood of an old pickup truck.
"Hey, Carson!" I called. He looked back at me. I walked over to him.
"How did you find out my name."
"I can't tell you that." I said mockingly. He chuckled.
"Tell me, is it true that you're everything people say you are?"  I covered my mouth. It is kinda rude to ask people if they are, yeah you get it.
"Yeah, I get in trouble a lot. The stories they make up aren't true though"
"My past is real bad. My mom died when I was three and my father started drinking. He'd leave me home for days, weeks even. I was only abused or alone at my house. When I was seven I ran away and was captured by scientists. They did experiments, tests, it felt like torture. Never was the same again." He explained. His eyes widened. I think I just learned the thing he didn't want me to know. He winced and looked at his phone.
"I gotta go." He jumped off the hood and started sprinting away. Faster than any normal human could. Even though he gave me some information, I could tell he wasn't going to spill anymore to me. I'd just have to work with what I got. The question that rang in my mind was why would scientist want him? Was he special? Did the scientist change his life or was his life already like that? I barely knew anything about him. Then it hit me. My mom! Luke's gotta know something! Ugh, now I've gotta go back. But, what if this happens to other mers. What if it happens to me, Luke, of Aunt Sage. What if my mom will never be a mermaid again? Times running out, I feel it.
Who's this Carson dude? He probably won't be to big of a character but I just added him to cause some drama. Unless you want him to be a big character. I know that this chapter was kinda bad and short. My arm is sore from the crutches and my foot is hurting so badly. I'm not gonna survive 8 weeks in a boot. I'm not even going to survive one week with crutches. Of course, advisory had to be the farthest class. Seriously? I'm excited for the next book though. I already have the next few books planned. One (if not two) will be from this series. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading. Sorry it's kinda bad. Next one will be better and longer, promise.

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