*Lily's POV*
What should I do? I cant tell Brendon or Ryan that I have feelings for Spencer. I know! I'll call Tyler! I'll ask him if I can stay with him and Josh. Just to get my mind off all of this. And I'll tell him about Spencer.
"Lily! What's up?" Tyler says enthusiastically.
"Hey Tyler. I need a favor." I say softly.
"How may I be at your service?" He jokes. "But seriously, what?"
"I need to stay with you and Josh. I can't tell you why over the phone but it is really important."
"Hold on. Let me ask Josh." He puts the phone down and I hear him yell something to Josh. "He said he doesnt care and its fine with me so you can stay. When do you need to?"
"Tonight and as long as it takes."
"As long as it takes to do what?"
"I cant explain over the phone. I'll come over when I tell Jon. Thank you so so much for letting me stay!" I mumble.
"Anytime, girly." Tyler hangs up and I put the phone down. I hear the door open and close. It must be Jon. I walk in the living room and he hugs me.
"Hey Lils. What have you been up to?" He asks kissing my forehead.
"Just chilling, watching Netflix. Not much. Oh and Im spending the night at my friends for about a week." I say.
"A week? Why a week?" He asks pulling back.
"I want to see her. I havent seen her in about 2 years so I want to spend a lot of time with her." I mumble.
"Oh. Well, ok. Just text me everyday okay? When are you leaving?"
"I am about to leave. I didnt want to tell you over text." I say walking towards the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and go to my room to get my bags. I cant believe I told him that big of a lie. We never lie to each other. I walk back into the living room and hugged Jon.
"Bye, Jon. I'll text you everyday. I promise." I says hugging him. He hugs back tightly.
"Dont go around Brendon, Spencer, or Ryan, okay?" He says grabbing my bags.
"Why dont you like Ryan? He was kicked out of the band too." I say confused.
"He hangs out with Brendon and Spencer so I dont like him. Besides he was nice to me." He says sternly. "Now come on."
We load my stuff into the car and we say our goodbyes. He sniffs and I look at him. He tells me like ten times that he isnt crying. I dont believe him. He kisses me on the forehead and I get in the car. I have about a 30 minute drive ahead of me and the sooner I can get away the better. I start the car and wave goodbye and blow Jon a kiss. I still cant believe I lied to him but it was for the best.{}{}AUTHORS NOTE{}{}
I was able to work on it a lot yesterday so that is why it is up today and not Wednesday. But if the chapters are bad its because Im having writer's block.