How to Make Uther Speechless

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Cover revamp! Let me know what you think! ILY! -bibliosoph

Arthur sat on his bed with his head between his knees. He was exhausted and ashamed of himself. He mentally kicked himself for not just manning up and going into that room to see Merlin. He also scorned himself for calling Morgana in such a state. She wasn't welcomed in Albion after what had happened. Merlin would certainly throw a fit if he saw her again and Arthur... he didn't know what he would do.

In all honesty, it was still hard for Arthur to believe that Morgana had turned out so evil. So broken. He had always seen her as his slightly younger sister who was kind of weird but still had guys hanging all over her twenty-four seven. He didn't like what she had become or what she had shown herself to be. He missed the sweet, innocent Morgana he knew growing up. The one that would sneak into his bedroom late at night to talk about her nightmares. He missed her so much. 

The other thing Arthur missed was Merlin. He missed him more than he ever fathomed missing anyone. He was ridiculously in love with the raven haired boy, yet he hadn't even gone to see him after he woke up from nearly dying. Nearly killing himself. It made Arthur sick to even think about it, but he had to. It was motivation, to say the least. He clenched his fists and stood up, eager to get to the hospital and face his fears. Face his love. Merlin. He hoped Merlin wouldn't reject him. He hoped Merlin would forgive him (once again) for being such an arse.

With this newfound motivation, Arthur changed his shirt and practically ran downstairs to get his keys. In the kitchen, he ran into his father. He was sitting at the sleek, marble counter with a glass of expensive wine and a book in front of him. He looked at Arthur as he entered the room.

"Arthur?" Uther asked, looking at his seemingly dishevelled son. "Where are you going?"

"Out," Arthur replied, trying to leave the room.

Uther stood, not letting him through to the back door where is keys were. "Out where?"

Arthur shrugged. "Just out."

"You're going out quite a lot, Arthur," he said.

"Father, I've really got to go," Arthur pleaded, his eyes desperate.

Uther crossed his arms. "What is so bloody important, Arthur?"

He swallowed the lump in his throat. For Merlin. "I'm in love and I've totally f---" he looked at his dad nervously. "Messed it up and now I've just got to fix it."

"You're in love?" he said, a smile appearing on his face. "With Gwen?" 

Arthur shook his head. He summoned all his courage. He was a Knight. If he could tackle a three hundred pound guy to win a game, he could handle talking to his father. "With Merlin," he said quickly. "I'm in love with Merlin."

Before Uther could say anything, Arthur scrambled out the door, leaving an awe-struck Uther in the kitchen. 

He had to get to Merlin.

He got into the car and threw his seatbelt on. He put the car in reverse and got out of the garage and down the driveway in record time. His heart was still racing. His throat was still dry. His mind was pumping a thousand thoughts through his head all at once and it felt like he was going to pass out, but he stepped on the gas. He stepped on the peddle until he was racing down the street in the dead of night so he could get to Merlin before all of the anxiety and passion and feelings left him. Before he forgot about how alive he felt when he was with him.

He'd just outed himself to his father for him.

He was madly in love with Merlin.

He started to worry about Merlin feeling the same way, but then he just sat back and smiled, a single thought taking over the entirety of his mind.

Merlin's gonna love hearing about this.

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