So i'd first say that you will want to read this(trust me).
This is my first book that I have officially written for others to read, so please, if you must criticize, have it be constructive. Thanks.
Alright next:
1) don't copy- it's just so....ugh :/
2)I will add characters pictures, BUT only if you want me to. Say your preference in the comments
3) Probably the most annoying as a fellow Wattpad reader, but I don't have a set chapter schedule update thingy. HOLD YOUR FIRE! *shields self*
4) I cuss. It happens, and really I feel that it brings more character out of....well.....the character.
5) I have an idea of where this story is going, but it isn't set in stone.
6) last but not least, there will be kissing and all that mushy stuff. So if you are still innocent I do not suggest reading this. It won't be THAT bad, but you know, there will be that stuff.
Now after all the annoying rules, the biggest things is if you want me to add specific people to be the characters. Please say if you do or don't in the comments.
I will be updating shortly so don't worry I just wanted to get all the basics out.
~Nymeria ;D

ParanormalHave you ever wondered what it what be like if you could see into to the minds of other people? If you could just know what they were thinking? Well, meet Caroline, she's a very quiet, teenager who, never wants to be the center of attention. She...