HI guys so im just jumping into it if you have any ideas comment plz
~author chan
Lizzy's pov:
I slowly raise from my bed surprised no one had woken me up Paula must have slept in. I slowly get up and begin dressing myself paula has been gone many times I know how to do this my self. As I walk out I see a letter on the floor I pick it up and open it 'good morning my love I expect for you to be at the phantomhive manor as soon as you wake from your slumber ~Ciel phantomhive' oh how I love him. I go brush my hair and teeth then go to the carriage and see one is already set and I slowly climb into as it takes of heading for the phantomhive manor. As I arrived Sebastian opens the door and helps me out "where is ciel? Why was I asked to come here? is Ciel ok? What's going on?" I ask. I hear his cold response "he is in the ballroom We are throwing a party and be careful trancy is here" with that said he walks to the ballroom with me.Ciel's pov:
I wait by a beam and hear the door click. Enters in the most pretty beautiful young lady also known as my fieonce. "lady Elizabeth, I see you got my letter" as he goes to hug her he is pushed away by a blonde hair blue eyes kid.

(Ciel x lizzy) (Alois x lizzy) black butler fanfiction
Romancehi guys so I really like ciel x lizzy but I thought it would be funny if Alois liked lizzy to and they fought over her so yea comment if you have any ideas to keep the story going nice to have all you readers back to love y'all