I was currently sitting in my room as you do, just reading the book I got from the library until I heard a loud bang in the hallway. One's natural reaction is to inspect the situation but knowing that I was in a boys dormitory and others are bound to be coming, it stopped me from leaving my room. I stood next to my door with my ear pressed to it waiting for a sign of life. I hear heavy steps rushing towards my door.
"What the heck happened!" I hear Takeru shout.
"I don't know but it looks like Loki did this." Tsukito says quietly.
"But why set it off here?" Apollon chimed in.
"TORI!!!" I hear Balder wail! NO! Shut up! I'm not here!
"TORI ARE YOU IN THERE!" Balder says frantically banging on my door. I back away from my door trying to find a good hiding place in case Balder finds it necessary to bust down the door.
"What are you talking about! This is the boys dormitory." Hades says perplexed. The door handles shakes. I look around frantically trying to find a decent place to hide myself. With no luck I'm stuck with no hiding place unless I want to jump out a 4 story window, which I'm considering.
"Stand back and watch the master." I hear Loki chime in. That little shit. That's why he was looking at me funnily. He knew that I was staying in the boy's dorm. The door opens with ease and Loki steps inside the room showing me his cheshire smile. I have no time to process anything before I'm crushed in Balder's arms.
"Are you okay! Are you injured!" Balder says inspecting my body for any injuries.
"No. I'm fine Balder." I say batting his hands away from me.
"You know this is the boy's dormitory?" Apollo says wearing a frown on his face.
"Yeah, I know." I say stepping out into the hall. I look down to see the floor is covered with what looks like flour, maybe powdered sugar, I don't even know but it was white. It reminds me of the time Takeru and I had a flour war. Those were some good times. Even though it was like two days ago.
"Yeah so why are you here?" Takeru butts in crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm here because-"
"She's a pervert." Loki cuts me off.
"What! No! Please, I would rather hug a cactus than see you guys trot around in your underwear." I say leaning against my door frame. Well that's not entirely true. I admit that they all are drop dead gorgeous but still. Modesty people!
"That still doesn't explain why you are in the boy's dormitory." Apollo says .
"All of the rooms in the girls dormitory are full. Don't you remember that I was unexpected, an uninvited guest that joined this stupid game." I say coldly. A long pause of silence washed over us.
"Unwanted is right." Takeru says turning on his heel walking away. I wouldn't say this aloud but his words actually hurt me. And not like being shoved or something but like if you took a very large stick and swung like you were in the MLB at the back of your head kind of hurt.
"Well you could stay here as long as you don't disturb the others and stay away from the hot tub." Apollo flatly says. Well the last part is obvious. I don't say anything and close my door in the others faces. I waited till I heard the retreating footsteps of the gods. I glance around my room, I was neat and clean but somehow I felt claustrophobic in this room. I wanted out, I wanted to hit something and really hard.

Kamigami no Asobi x OC
FanfictionWhat happens when a random girl gets sucked into Zeus's madhouse of a school for Gods? Zeus didn't summon her to the island and it's not like anyone else had the power to either. She just showed up with a bad attitude and a big case of amnesia. Upd...