Bit 16

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Tuxon and I sat quietly watching the news, waiting for Vixx to return home. He had been at Evvis's house for a couple days now, and at this point we were beginning to worry. Then I remembered that Evvis cared very deeply for him, and would never let anything happen unless he entered one of his moments. Maybe that was something that had happened.
" Tuxon, we need to go find him. "
" I was waiting for you to say that. "
He threw his sweater over me and we walked out the door to drive to Evvis's house.
" So what do you think happened, if anything did that is? "
I responded, my usual overbite smile curled into a slim frown.
" He might be gone. "
His orange eyes widened as he looked at me.
" And how can you be so sure of that? "
" Evvis hasn't been faring well in terms of his disability lately. He hasn't told me, but I've seen it. I don't know how he's been dealing with it. "
" What if he's started taking those pills again? "
The thought of the bottle of mixed color pills slid into my mine again. All the wrong pills all at the same time. It was never right.
" If he is, we might just have to take them when we get there. "
" Ok. "
We pulled up to the apartments and got out, losing hope as the light in Evvis's apartment was off.
" Hello? Evvis, Vixx? "
I started pounding on the door, but soon enough Tuxon pulled me back and we sat in a deadly silent waiting for a response. Luckily, the door creaked open to half of what Evvis used to be. Clouded maple eyes, bags underneath his eyes, and sweat that was paired with a crumpled shape.
" Yes? "
We stepped inside to see a tattered room. In the corner was Vixx, but his skin was pale and his eyes were closed, a devastated look on his face. On his body were stab wounds, and what had killed him had been the one directly next to his heart, where the knife was still planted.
" Evvis? "
He was breaking down in the middle of the apartment, real tears creating waterfalls from his sockets, as he begged for mercy. I picked him up off of the floor, his body surprisingly light as my fingers traced cuts on his chest, some fresh and some old.
" Talk to me Evvis. "
" I didn't mean to do it. "
" I know you didn't "
Tuxon had already grabbed the pills and was standing in a dreary silence, towering above the both of us. He then proceeded to pick him up, cradling him in his arms. Evvis's whimpering simmered down as he did, as if he felt comfort.
" Let's go, I can't handle being here any longer. "

Unique. But Not Really. (BEING REWORKED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now