Paul and the rest of the big boys that Simon hired to help me move into my new flat had just finished packing all my stuff and I am all ready to hit the gym since I've got nothing better to do.
"Harry, aren't you coming with us?" Paul asks me as he closes the trunk of his car and I just shake my head in response.
He slides inside his car, "Okay then, just be there before Simon beats you to it."
I smile at him before hopping inside my massive black Range Rover. Jamming the keys into ignition, I soon backed out of the driveway. As I speed along the not so busy street of London, my mind wanders back to Natasha.
Louis called me last night, he told me that he had spent the day with Natasha and that she didn't want to hear anything about me. This is not surprising at all. Of course, she hates me.
"Come on, come on, come on," I keep muttering as I pull behind the gym. This is the only row in the lot that's empty.
I almost screamed when I see an open space, and I jerk my wheel to the left. At the same time, a Toyota Prius is pulling up from the other direction, angling it into the spot.
"Oh, bloody hell no. No way," I lean on the horn, even though its obvious the car was here before me, then I press my foot on the accelerator.
There is a high-pitched squeal of rubber, and the driver of the Toyota slams on the brakes just before my Range Rover takes off the bumper of his car.
"Nice," I pull into the spot and throws my car in parking spot.
I open the door and leans out.
"Sorry, mate!" I call out to the driver who was momentarily sliding out of his car.
"I didn't see you there." I continued with a smirk. This is obviously a lie.
My eyes widened at the sight of a guy, with unruly blonde hair. I know who he is. I know him very well.
He was walking towards me with that angry look on his face, "You," He growls.
Yes, me. The one and only.
I can't help but laugh, "Wow, your nose looks better," I say and I laugh some more.
Anger flares inside his eyes and I know that he's pissed as a bull, but I don't give a damn.
"You stole my parking spot!" He spat out.
I shakes my head in disbelief as I laugh even more, "I did, didn't I?"
He eyes me up and down like he's scrutinizing me and I say, "My bad, you better find another one then."
I turn around but he grabs my shoulder and I clench my jaw, "Don't fucking touch me."
His eyes are shooting daggers at me, "This isn't the first time that you tried to cross me, Styles."
I squint my eyes at him, "And this certainly won't be the last time."
"I don't care if you're famous as fuck. I am not scared of you and you will not get away with this," He said trying to threaten me but I don't think its scary enough for me to go running for the hills.
I laugh, "I've already gotten away with it."
Oh, yes, I have.
I continue my pace to the entrance of the gym and I saw him still standing there, obviously pissed.
Before I open the door I turn back to face him, "Oh, before I forget," I call out to him and he looks at me with those angry blue eyes.
"That parking spot will not be the first and last thing that I'll take away from you," I say acidly before walking inside the gym.

You're my Achilles Heel
FanfictionAll Rights Reserved. © 2013 guiltypleasure Harry Styles is from the very famous boyband of this century. He's known to be the cheeky charming flirt of the band. He's at the very peek of his career. He's invulnerable, no one knows his weakness until...