Chapter 2

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   "Rosaline Williams. You're practically the superstar on campus, are you not? You're the mastermind behind all of the protests that happen at this fine university," the boy was walking in step with Rosaline. "I just wa--"

   "Who are you?" Rosaline finally broke her silence.

"I was getting there. Now, as I was saying, I simply need your help. The world is going somewhere bad. The leaders of the most important economical countries are failing, majorly failing to do their jobs correctly. Leaders are meant to listen to the little guy, they're supposed to help them," he took a breath. "I know for a fact we share very similar views on politics and society, so I need you to help me. Have you ever heard of a man by the name of Adverus Roman?"

   "No," she sighed.

   "Well, I've done some research. Basically this guy is an advisor to Ewan Michaelson, the president of--"

   "I know who Ewan Michaelson is. He controls almost every industrialized country that is one this planet."

   "Yeah, and this Adverus fellow, he practically brainwashed Ewan to adopt the same ideas Adverus believes in. Ewan is fairly young you know, I think that he's being tortured or something. I just have a feeling that it's not Ewan who is to blame for our generation suffering."

   "So you killed a college professor and practically kidnapped me, on a feeling? You're crazy if you think that I'm just going to help you. And you're wrong about us having the same views because I would never kill to get a point across," Rosaline turned to walk away from the still unnamed man when she felt a gun being pressed into her back. "Wow, intimidation. So much about fighting for the little guy," she snarled.

   Many things were running through Rosaline's head. First, she thought that not everything this guy was telling her is false, second this man is mentally unstable, third she skipped lunch, fourth she didn't have her term paper finished, and fifth a mentally unstable man was holding a fully loaded gun to back. Because she didn't feel like angering this beast any longer, she listened to what he had to say. No matter if it was crazy or not.

   "My name's Sam by the way," Sam still had his gun to her back, walking behind her. "I really don't like having to use my gun on people. It's shame they can't just have my same views, things would be a whole lot easier that way."

   "Talking like that you don't seem that different than that Adverus guy. I think you two would get along quite well together."

   He shoved her spine harder with the barrel of his gun and shouted, "Well slap me with bread and call me a sandwich!" Sam gestured broadly, he is incredibly animated, Rosaline thought to herself. "You hearing this stuff, guys, little Rosaline here is an ameteur comdian," Sam spoke to his goons and laughed--which only queued nervous chuckles, as not to anger him.

   By a strange twist of the worst fate, Sam's goons and Rosaline were rushed from the university. From there Sam, Rosaline, and a goon named Elvis got into an SUV and sped off down the highway. Again, strangely, they didn't come into contact with the law enforcement. "Explain to me again why you need my help," Rosaline said.

   "I need your help to restore the faith in our generation. Your college is a prime example as to what happens in many other education facilities. Students are taught that they have voice, they use it, the they're punished. It's happening everywhere. Adults, parents, leaders--they all seem to have the same goal: to ruin the greatest generation the world has ever seen. The Generation That Doesn't Take No For An Answer, TGTDTNFAA for short."

   "You've waitin' all day to use that one, haven't cha? Okay, so let's say that theoretically I would believe you, how would we even get close to Ewan or Adervus? They're both major government influencers."

   "Already ahead of you. You have quite the following, so you'll arrange a protest outside of the government building in Lake City--this will be a diversion, then me and Elvis," Rosaline groaned at his flawed grammar. "From there we'll have a little heart to heart with Ewan--or Adverus, whichever one is there."

   This plan, to Rosaline, was greatly flawed. Sam tells the plan as if they won't run into any obstacles. A busy politician will most likely have a private office in the most remote part of the government building. They won't be able to find either Ewan or Adverus without difficulty.

   "So, Rosie," she felt violated by even a simple nickname, "what do you think of my plan?" Sam asked.

   "Do you want the honest answer or the truth?" Rosaline paused, "And don't give me nicknames, we're not friends. Quite the opposite actually," she said while gazing out a window, silently admiring the way the hills seemed to roll by endlessly. Not much more was said while the three of them led a caravan of similar SUVs. The only words exchanged was when Sam and Elvis switched who was driving. Then again when Elvis droned on about he was raised by strict Italian parents that only wanted for their only son to carry family tradition and take over the family barbecue joint. By the way, the barbecue joint wasn't really all that Italian, it was called Barbecue Bill's--Bill was Elvis's great-great grandfather. A third example was when Elvis tried flirting.

   A couple miles before Sam took a left on exit 39, the caravan split and headed separate ways. "Hey, Sam, I think that we should get a hotel room or something for the night. We've been driving for almost 10 hours. I think that Rosaline here needs some beauty sleep," basically Elvis was the epitome for the world's most annoying frat boy.

   For almost 5 hours of the ride, Elvis had been winking and in a not so roundabout way hitting on Rosaline.

   "The name Rosaline sounds really familiar," Elvis pondered.

   "I was raised by Shakespeare geeks," Rosaline said, close to a mutter.

   "Why didn't they name you Juliet? Rosaline was hardly in the play wasn't she?" Sam asked. "You would think that your parents wouldn't name you after some girl that was just tossed aside."

   For a second Rosaline found herself about to explain the meaning of her name, "I'm not explaining the significance of my name to you." Her parents thought that Rosaline was strong, that the reason she didn't love Romeo back was because she was a capable young adult. That's exactly what Rosaline's parents wanted for their oldest daughter.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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