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I don't know what else to do with my story. I was going to start going along with the tv series, but that would be kind of hard.


I've thought of an idea. I will keep up with Emma Gilbert if you want me too. I just don't know what else to write. I used to be really into the story, but now I'm not.

Here's my idea. I restart the ENTIRE story and make my story go along with the tv series. From the first episode. I would most likely change her name though. She would still be Jeremy's twin.

If you want I can write a first chapter of the new story? I really like this idea better.

Please comment on this to tell me your opinion. If I do the new story, it would probably be better than Emma Gilbert. I really need to know your opinions. So please comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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