Chp 6: The asshole 'step' dad

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Henry Whitlock- Henry Cavill

Cameron Astor - Tad Hilgenbrink

Brooklyn Astor- Brooke Shields

Cameron's P.O.V

I woke up to my bedroom door being banged on repeatedly by a heavy fist. "CAMERON GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP OR YOUR GOING TO MISS BREAKFAST!!!." I hear my mother say. I groan from the pain I'm feeling from my headache. I can barely remember anything from last night except from I went to my friend, Matt's house to celebrate my schools football team the Red Eagles victory against the Texan Bull's. I rub my temples and sit up in my king sized bed with black and silver satin sheets falling to my lower abs revelling my pectorals and 8 pack, which by the way took me a while to achieve.

I throw the sheets off and swing my legs over the side of my bed. " I'M AWAKE, I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!!!!." I shout. I try to stand but them get a throbbing and sharp pain shoot through my waist, legs and...ass? that's strange I don't think you ache from your ass if you go out drinking and partying, unless you've been f**ked up the ass by a some kind of beast man. I shake the thought away and put up with the pains in and out of my body. ( uuuhhh the irony)

I walk over to my top and joggings that have been thrown next to the mirror. I look in the mirror and find that my lips are swollen and red. I let my eyes look over my body to find bruises in the shape of hands on my waist, and hickeys on my neck.

whoever the girl I slept with last night must have been crazy in bed, I must have been really drunk to let her do what ever she did last night. I shrug and put my clothes on and head down stairs.

I pad my way to the kitchen to find my mom cooking breakfast and her boyfriend Henry reading a news paper with the article saying: " LOCAL MAN INJURED FATALLY IN DOG ATTACK!!". Hmm weird there hasn't been any dog attacks or even fatal ones at that in over three centuries. as I step in through the door Henry's head shots up and his lips curl up in a sly smirk when he sees me. I glare at him and flip my middle finger up at him. I really hate that good for nothing sneaky bastard.

He keeps cheating on my mom behind her back and she doesn't even see the signs!!, like him coming home with hickeys, lips stick over his shirts as well as perfume, and his constant flirty texting and calls with a women which I found out to be called Kirsty Mcahren. Yes.

I looked at his texts and call logs, sue me. And to make things worse he knows I know and he knows I told my mom and that she doesn't believe me and he's now rubbing it in my face with the constant arrogant smirking he throws my way whenever I'm around.

I then turn my attention to my blind and innocent-ish mother. "Morning baby boy how'ya feeling this morning after the party last night?." oh yeah by the way my mom likes that I go out partying being that she did go to a lot of parties when she was younger, yeah my moms cool." Hmmm lets see: woke up with a headache, hickeys everywhere, and aching all over.

"How are you?." I reply. My mother smirks then smiles her sweet, caring, and bright smile at me and chuckles. " I'm fine Cam and I see you had a little fun then?." she grins at me. I roll my eyes at her playfully and shakes my head. I look over to see Henry staring directly into my eyes, smirking at me. " Well you were really drunk last night son and came home with a 'girl' last night. And yeah I'm also fine thanks for asking." I narrow my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Well there's a reason I never asked, and it's called; I don't really care asshole, and oh don't call me son ever again." I stare flatly at him with my lips in a straight line.

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