"I Promise"

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   A few very lonely days pass. Judy had passed away three days ago. I've turned off my phone the moment I came home. I haven't eaten either since that night. I felt weak. Hopeless. I force myself out the door to go to her funeral. Finnick was going to give me a ride. He had driven me home from the hospital three days ago. He talked very little. For the first time, he wasn't the Finnick I knew. He spoke more proper and he didn't sound so harsh. He had told me he'd take me to the funeral. I didn't say anything, nor have I said anything since I heard Judy's life line go flat. I stand outside of my apartment.
   My fur was messy and unwashed. My ears droop sadly. I wore the green Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts I wore when I first met Judy. My purple and black striped tie hung loosely around my neck.
   Finnick pulls up a few minutes later. He doesn't say anything, just waits for me to get in the passenger seat. After a few moments on the road, he clears his throat. "So...Nicky...how are you holding up? You haven't returned any of my calls." I don't answer him. He gives up on attempt at conversation.
   It's not long before we park in the lot of the funeral home. I get out slowly. I stop and look in the van at Finnick. I can't do this alone...
   "Hey...Finnick? Could you...maybe...come with me? I don't think I could face this alone..." He smiles lightly and gets out of his van. "Anything, bud."
   We walk into the building together. As I expected, it was full of nearly a hundred bunnies. Some officers had come to pay respects, including Benjamin Clawhouser and Chief Bogo himself. Mrs. Hopps spots me and walks over to me. "Thank you so much for coming Nick. I'm sure Judy would be happy you're here." She gives me a wide hug, that I weakly return. When she let's go, she looks at Finnick. "Who's your friend here?"
   Surprisingly, Finnick holds out his paw. "I'm Finnick ma'am. I met your daughter the same time Nick did. We were uh...working together. I have to say though, Judy was very kind to me and Nick that day. I don't often find mammals that don't shun foxes." Bon smiles lightly with slightly teary eyes. She ignores Finnick's paw and hugs him. The surprised look in his eyes brings a very weak smile to my face. Bon finally let's go and looks at the both of us. "Boys, I would like you to meet someone. Please come." We follow her a short walk to a...fox? He was a bit chubby with a farmers look to him. His fur was red, just like mine. "Nick, Finnick, this is Gideon Gray. He's a friend of Judy's." I never knew Judy knew another fox.
   Gideon looks at us and shakes our paws. "I'm guessing you're Nick eh? Judy had told me lots about you. Mrs. Hopps had also told me about what happened. I am very sorry for what happened." I smile weakly and look up at the fox. He was slightly taller than me. "Well, its nice to meet you, Gid."
   Bon began to usher Finnick and me around, introducing everyone. Boy, Judy had a huge family. They were all quite surprised at how kind I seemed. Even more surprised at Judy and my relationship.
   I break away from Bon and head over to Bogo. "Chief." I say lowly and he looks down at me. When he sees me, his face sinks. "Nick I am very sorry. I shouldn't have given you two that case." I shake my head at him. "Chief don't say that. Judy was very happy to have that case. I'm sure she'd never blame you. And I'm sure she would still have taken the case even If she knew this would happen." Bogo nods slowly. "Yes, Judy was a very brave officer. One of the best." Chief then pulls out a small box and hands it to me. "Judy would want you to have this." I take it and open it carefully. Inside was her very own police badge. I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. I look up at Bogo. "Thank you very much sir..." He nods with a slight smile.
   About ten minutes later, everyone had finally arrived. Everyone is lead into the funeral room. I sit in the far back with Finnick, scared I'll break down if I was too close to the open casket. The service began, but I wasn't listening. I couldn't concentrate. My head was all fuzzy and it hurt to think. After what seemed like forever, everyone around me had gotten up to see Judy, one last time. I refused to move. I wanted to be last. Let everyone else go first.
   When my time came to see her, Finnick took my paw and escorted me to the coffin. I look inside to find Judy, laying in her uniform. Her paws cross over her chest. Her ears drooped down. Fur groomed neatly. I glance over and see her parents watching me, worried. Worried I'd break down. That I'd just fall apart.
   My eyes go back to Judy's body. I feel hot tears slowly and silently pour from my eyes. I reach into my pocket and pull out a pen, shaped like a carrot. This pen was the start of our friendship. She used it to record my voice and hustle me into helping her. This pen saved our lives when we used it to record Bellwether's confession. This pen was the key to our friendship.
   I slowly press the button on the side of the pen. Judy's and my voice emit from it, clear as day. "I love you Nicholas Wilde..." "I love you too Judy Hopps..." Her last words replay in my head. My last words to her follow. Our last words to each other replay as I press the button one last time. Slowly and gently, I slide the pen under her paws on her chest. "I love you Judy...I'll never forget my carrots..." My throat swells as I slowly break down. "I'll make the world a better place...I promise..." 

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