Chapter 2 The First Girl

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 Dan remembered falling asleep in his room. He went to his room immediately after what happened in the shower. He remembered tucking himself in and said his good night's to her picture. He remembered looking at the clear night sky filled with thousands of stars. The news said that there would be shooting star  tonight. "I must have missed it," was his last thought, before slipping into unconsciousness.

So you must know the surprise he felt when he woke up in the empty metro train.

It was like suddenly waking up in a dream where you thought you're about to fall. His body did the Hypnotic Jerk thing and it made him super aware of his environment. He unconsciously stood up. It was a good thing nobody is around yet or they would think he was suspicious.

He rubbed his eyes and take in the surroundings. He was inside the train. He was sure he was never been here before because the train he usually rode on is old and used but this one felt like new. And everything is painted white. Even the handle bars and the window frames. He looked outside. It looked like it is early in the morning. When he looked at his wrist watch, it read 5:05 am.

This means that he only slept for about four hours yet he felt like he slept for a whole day. But everything is so strange. Is this a dream? It didn't feel like it.

He continued examining the scene outside. The sky is so gray and it immediately remind him of her. Early morning sky is her favorite. She would always woke up early in the morning and would sneaked on his room and wake him up just to drink coffee in the dorm's rooftop. They would sit on the ground and she would look up and smile at the sky.

The memory felt like a punch in his gut so he looked on the buildings instead. The place do not look familiar at all, but something's telling him that he know this place. 

Is this another country? He thought. Perhaps he'd seen this on internet before. And besides that skyscraper is definitely not from his third world country.

Or, is this the future? He dismissed the thought right after they were formed. Impossible, that would be ridiculous. This must be a dream. It has to be.

Maybe this is lucid dreaming. He thought aloud. He decided he would just be off on the next station. Not long after, the train slowed down. As he gathered himself and walked towards the door in front of him, he stopped short after seeing what seems like a career woman in her mid twenties who just walked in the door in the far left. She wears what seem like a corporate attire but he wasn't so sure because it is not... normal. She did not notice him at first as she was looking in her bag. Something about the way she walked, the way she slump on the sit, the way she looked at her watch, remind Dan of someone. But it is in the way she looked up and revealed her face to him that Dan confirms his feeling.

She did not notice him at first, but when she did, she mirrored the look on Dan's face. Shock, disbelief. It both consumed them that they did not managed to speak.

This is definitely a dream. Dan concludes. Yet he couldn't fathom it. The girl he missed so much is right before him. The most beautiful dream.

"Dan," she said, almost at the same time he said "Layla"

She was the first girl.

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