"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Young Hee screamed at the top of her lungs.
The person at the door just stood frozen with his eyes narrowed while he sighed. "Can you be quick and stop with the screaming?"
"AAAHHH-" she paused. "What?"
"Just. Keep. Quiet," he took a step closer to her while she backed up on the bed.
The shadows hiding his face soon went away.
He was kinda tall, and had familiar eyes. He was wrapped in black robes, with his long black and dry hair tied in a ponytail.
"J-j-j-jung?!?!?" She jumped up from the bed with her eyes twitching and her finger trembling at him. "What. The. HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
"Shhh!" He groaned. "They aren't receding any moment. I need you to keep quiet! Unless of course you want to be separated from your family."
"QUIET!" He snapped loudly under his breath and pressed his ear gently on the wooden door."What on earth are you-"
"FINE!" She crossed her arms and dropped back stiffly on the bed like a spoiled 4 year old whose favourite barbie doll was taken away.He wrinkled his forehead, struggling to listen every little sound from the outside.
'What is going on?'
"Ahem," she faked a cough. "Would you mind at least telling me WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AND SAYING?"He ignored with a just-shut-up-or-not-I-will-break-your-legs look on his face.
She scowled and took that moment of silence to think. 'Okay. I'm in my room with Jung. But that never happened in the freakin' drama! Jung wasn't with me, what more with me in my room-'
Her eyes widened. She wasn't in her room.
"What. The. Hell...?" She murmured.
"You're amazingly annoying and frustrating to handle, as I thought," Jung cleared his throat and rolled his eyes. "Not to mention blur and stupid too."
"Excuse me?" Young Hee choked. "I went to the globally first ranked high school-" she exhaled hard through her nose. "You wouldn't get it," she said. "But I am definitely not dumb. Unlike someone else in the room, who is cruel enough to ignore a helpless girl with no clue what is happening and uses that as an insult for her."
He snapped a fast and slightly angered glare at her for a second, before pulling away his ear from the door finally. "They're gone. I think the guards got rid of them."
"Huh? Guards? Them? Who's 'them'?"
He took a deep breath before explaining everything. "Do you remember the kidnapping?"
"Kidnapping? What kidna-" she recalled punching and trying to get off the back of a tall big-sized man who slung her across his shoulder. "You mean...," she trailed off.
"I see you get it partially now," he said, satisfied. "I was walking pass your family's home after I had a... talk with my mother," he took a deep breath. Young Hee knew perfectly why he was a bit uncomfortable at the mention of the word. It was when So took Jung somewhere to hide and his mother came in, pushing So away, regardless of Jung's declares that his brother saved his arm. "And I heard your scream. And so, I alerted some of the guards before coming in and saving you, even though you're hardly worth saving. But then again, you are Seo Young Hee, a very powerful noble, and if you got kidnapped or killed, there might be a war."
"And the King might not even have enough power to stop it," his gaze dropped to the floor."The king?"
He snapped his gaze at her again. "Do not repeat what I say."
"Okay, okay," she said. "You are one picky prince. So unlike how I see you in the drama."
"HA! YOU REPEATED WHAT I SAID!" She poked her tongue at him.He turned bright pink. "I-I said do not repeat what I said. I didn't say anything about how it applied to me too."
She dropped her jaw in disbelief. She had the big urge to kick his pride out of his butt. "You stuckup. Nothing like what a prince should be," she rolled her eyes while he darted his eyes at her, his jaw tightening. "Like Shrek," she murmured.
"Excuse me?" He rolled his eyes as well, keeping a careful lookout of their surroundings. "I don't know what a shrek is," he said the word with an odd tone filled with feels of unfamiliarness, "but it's very rude to insult a prince. Unless you have a death wish. And I just saved your life!"
She had no response to that. She just looked away and grasped the bed sheet tighter. He noticed. "Hearing that you are going to be paired with one of us, I'm not so confident of having a girl with such crude manners to a prince by my side, embarrassing me, and asking the king quite unpurposely to die."
She kept her mouth shut. "Just shut- just keep quiet."
"You don't even act like a woman! I've met all types of woman, but none as horrible as you. If the king saw your manners to me, you would have a rough life," he grinned smugly.
'If only he wasn't a famous korean actor slash prince, I would slap the shit out of him,' she thought deeply, rolling her eyes everytime she set her eyes on Jung. 'Jesus, he's horrible to me but amazingly nice in the drama. Damn, he is one picky prince.'
"What did you say?" Jung asked curiously.
Young Hee shook her head so fast she felt lightly dizzy. "Nothing," she replied with an innocent look. "Jackass," she added under a fake cough. Jung didn't hear her remark luckily. She just cleared her throat. "Can I leave?" She sighed. "You said the coast was clear, right? Then why am I still here? Let's go before my family finds me and does start a war. Let's go!"
"Okay," Jung rolled his eyes. "Hide behind me. Do not part from me. Got that?"
"Okay, boss," she gave a fake salute.
He wrinkled his forehead in confusion. "Let's go. They left. I don't think they can find you."
"Okay, so let's go already!"
She whined. He sighed and held her hand, pulling her from the little house covered by half-dead trees as a camouflage in the darkness of the night. Young Hee flushed red. 'Ugh I shouldn't blush. Holding a jerk's hand isn't worth my blushes,' she kept her head high in pride.He bent over, and she followed his lead. They walked carefully, Jung's eyes scanning the area. He released her hand, stopping for a moment.
"Hey, why didn't you kill those kidnappers?" Young Hee asked curiously.
"They came in big groups. It would be more rational to not alert them and come to save you and have the guards come in a 'coincidence' so they'd go away as to not raise suspicion," he explained.
"Oh...," her voice trailed off.
"Hide behind me. Do not part from me, got it?" She recalled his words. A cheeky smirk curved her thin pink lips. While Jung kept a lookout and continued to walk slowly, keeping his sword by his side in case violence had to happen. 'If only this girl was a mere commoner and I could just let her get kidnapped and I never would've met such a rude female,' Jung scowled in his head. "Okay, they're gone. But there's no doubt they'd come back. You're worth a lot. There's no telling how desperate they are, or what they'd want. I'll accompany you back to your-" he paused. And then, his eyes widened in horror, his lips twitching from fury. 'Curse this girl!!!!!'She was missing.
Young Hee had cheekily sneaked her way out, but he didn't know, she was just hiding behind a big tree right beside him. He thought she might've ran away, got lost, or was caught.
"Seo Young Hee!" He shouted in a hushed tone. It was night, so he didn't want to wake anyone. "Come out this instant, or I'll find you and kill you myself!"
From behind the box, Young Hee just stuck her tongue at him, but of course, he didn't know. "Kill me then, you filthy cow!" Young Hee scoffed. This, Jung heard.
He narrowed his eyes, breathing heavily. 'All this fuss over a stupid little imbecile. Why couldn't she be more feminine?' He groaned in frustration.
Then, he noticed a sleeve jutting out from behind the wooden box. He wrinkled his forehead in confusion and walked there, doing his best in making his footsteps soundless. He pulled the sleeve, and ta-da! The sneaky unfeminine girl appeared! But he pulled her too hard, and she was pulled into his arms, her face hitting his chest, her back slouched.
"Huh?" She raised her gaze, spotting Jung. "AAAHHH!! WHAT ARE YOU- Eeeeee!" She yelled in disgust. "Oh, I see what's going on here! You pretend to hate me and insult me but you actually like me!"
"Excuse me?" His jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Look! You hugged me! Ew! How inappropriate!" She spat. "HEY!" She screamed as loud as she could. "SOMEONE HELP ME! A PRINCE IS TRYING TO TOUCH-"
Jung put his cold hand on her mouth, pulling her close to him. She actually felt comfortable, with the body heat he was providing, but she knew, there was no way in hell she would ever admit it.
"Quiet," he said softly. "You don't like it when I hold you close like this right?"
She lowered her head, slowly reddening. "Uh...ah uhm I uhm," she stammered. Then, she pushed him, and coughed. "Um I think I know the way home, thank you very much," she nodded, "Black-hearted weirdo," she added under her breath.
"What did you-"
"Nothing!" She said innocently, walking fast ahead, to keep her distance.After a long while, only did they speak again. "Finally, we're here. I can get away from you," Jung said the last word in disgust.
"HOH!" She gritted her teeth in disbelief. "Says the one who called me rude!" She shook her head, her glare sending him trembles. Jung spat at her, and she almost lifted her foot to stick it down his throat. "Get lost."
"Nope," she grinned. "But I don't care."
"Bye, Jungy!" She gave fake giggles, and dissapeared into her home."What kind of girl is that?!" Jung said, walking away.
"Damn, he's way worse than in the drama. He looked so sweet to Soo, yet-" she hesitated. "He's such a picky bicky little-"
"Young Hee!" A familiar voice called her name worriedly.
"Heh?" She said blankly. She turned and saw Baek Ah rushing towards her from her house porch, a worried expression on his face. "Baek Ah? What are you doing here this late at night? And why do you look so-"
"What am I doing here this late at night? What about you? I've been waiting for you for so long at your home! Your father even sent people out looking for you!! How could you have been gone almost all day?!? Do you know what rumours could spread about you!?!?" He gripped her by the shoulders tight. "Do you know how worried I was!? HOW COULD YOU-"
She put her soft lips on his.