Chapter 10 ♥

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Sonia's POV

It was early the next morning,and Chris wasnt in bed.I smelled something cooking so i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face,then i went downstairs and saw Chris cooking.

Chris:Goodmorning love.

Sonia:Goodmorning. *i said sitting down at the table*

Chris:You hungry? I got eggs,bacon,pancakes,and sausages.

Sonia:Whats this about,you never cook.

Chris:I just wanted to cook for my baby.


Chris:Here. *he said giving me a plate and kissing me on my head*

We started eating without talking to each other.I just ate my food while he looked at me.

Chris:Babe you still mad about last night.

Sonia:Yea.Chris you cant keep doing stuff like that.You have to remember its not gonna be just you and me anymore. *i said touching my stomach*

Chris:Yea i know babe im sorry. *he said coming over to me and touching my stomach*. I'll make it up to you,how bout we have a day out together.And you can shop as much as you want, and go out to dinner.

Sonia:Ok lets go get dress then.* i said getting up to go upstairs*

When we was about to go upstairs somebody was at the door so Chris answered it.

Chris:Wassup Jay.

James:Wassup Yo.Why you not answering you phone everybody been trying call you all morning.Goodmorning Sonia.

Sonia:GoodMorning Jay.

Chris:My bad yo,wassup?

James:We got a emergency meeting today,like right now so come on nigga get dress.

Chris:Shit, ard yo i be there give me a half hour.

James:Ard yo.

Sonia:Whats going on?

Chris:I got a meeting to go to.

Sonia:What happened to our us day?

Chris:Babe its not going take long we can still have our day,just let me take care of this.

Sonia:Ok i'll go with you then,if its not going take long

Chris:No your not going.


Chris:Cause i don't want you to go,i'll be back later.

He didn't even care that i was upset.He just got in the shower,got dressed and left.I laid in the bed thinking of what i could do today.

Chris POV

I pulled up to the trap ,and walked in everybody was already there.I went and sat down so we can start our meeting.Mike's cousin Trey was there, i don't fuck with that nigga.

Mike:Wassup Chris.

Chris:Wassup Yo,so whats this meeting about?

Mike;We gotta move our location,trap and everything,the fedz watching,and a nigga not trying get busted.I got a baby and a baby momma at home.

Chris:I feel you on that,so where we going move the trap at?

Mike:I don't know yet,that's why i need you to look around and let me know.

Chris:Ard i got you.

Mike:And i need y'all to shut this place down and get everything out.*he said talking to the rest of the guys*


The meeting was over for about a hour now,i was on the phone in Mike office trying get some new places for us to go look at.Everybody else was moving shit out.Then Chrissy walked in Mike Office and she looked sad.

Chrissy:Chris we need to talk.

Chris:Not now.

Chrissy:I have something to tell you,its important.


Chrissy:Ummm...well...Chris Im pregnant.


Chrissy:Its yours.

Chris:What you talking bout,we ain't have sex in like a month.

Chrissy:I been pregnant for a month.

Chris:Oh well i don't know what to tell you.And you know i cant mess with you no more.

Chrissy:So i tell you im pregnant,and you say we cant talk no more.

Chris:Well i dont want Sonia to find out.

Chrissy:FUCK HER! Thats all i hear about,well now she not the only one carrying your child i am,weather you like it or not.

Chris:No bitch fuck you.Im with Sonia i love her not you.So get lost i don't want nothing else to do with you.

Chrissy:You not running from your responsibility,you going take care of OUR baby.

Chris:My responsibility? How do i even know this baby mine,it could be one of your other niggas you fuck with.Go call one of them.

Chrissy:I don't care what you have to say.So let your girl know or i will. *she said walking out*

Chris:Yea whatever.

I walked out of Mike's office and realized how late it was.Sonia going kill me. *i said then i left out to try and rush home*.

Sonia's POV

I haven't heard from Chris since he left this morning.I knew he was going blow me off.But i got a text from Trey,the dude i met at the mall the other night,asking me what was i doing today and if i wanted to hang out.So we went to a carnival.

Trey:So what you been up to since i last saw you?

Sonia:Just dealing with my boyfriend and his shit.

Trey:Boyfriend problems,whats going on?

Sonia:He got locked up last night,and he been blowing me off for his stupid trap homeboys.

Trey:Damn,whats your boyfriend name?


Trey:Chris??...That be hanging with Mike,James,Colin,and them?


Trey:Ahaha don't tell me you ,you go with that clown.I saw him at the trap today,im Mike cousin.

Sonia:He is not a clown.But how you know him?

Trey:We go way back,but we had some problems so.But i gotta give it to him i didn't think he had it in him to land somebody like you.*he said looking me up and down,and bitting his lip*

Sonia:He cant be that lucky,its like he doesn't even notice me anymore.

Trey:Yea today he didn't act like he had a girl.

Sonia:What you mean?

Trey:Well some girl came in there today looking for him,they was in Mike's office for awhile until he finally left.

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