He shifted nervously, unsure of where to start. "You know some of it right?" He ask me. I think he was hoping that I knew enough of the story where he could just start from the middle and not go over all of it. I wish that was the case but talking this out may help him a bit. He wouldn't have to hold all these dark secrets in and to himself anymore.
"Not a lot. All my Daddy told me was that he was a bad Daddy to you. I'm guessing he was abusive because he referred to my ex before him. He was like that too." I said as my voice trailed off. I was hoping if he knew I had been through that it would help him talk about it. He would know I wouldn't judge him and that I understood.
He looked down at the sheets, pulling at them. "My old Daddy's name is TJ. Him and Ricky kind of knew each other and I had met him through Ricky when he was helping him move and I tagged along. I think that was why he jump to help me because he feel slightly responsible for us getting together. It's not his fault though because he didn't know.
"He was really nice at first when we got together. He treated me right, bought me whatever I wanted. Things didn't get bad till after I moved in with him. I had lost my place because he didn't want me to work so he suggest me to move into with. It seemed like a really good idea.
"As time went on things got worse. At first it was just him not wanting me to go out or talk to other people. I didn't see anything wrong with it because he always had a good reason for it. Like not getting to spend enough time with me from him being at work all week.
"It took a while but he started to get violent and was always mad. I couldn't do anything right. The night I left he threatened to kill me and I knew I couldn't stay with me. I thought he loved me that was why I stayed so long. I guess I was wrong. I'm too difficult to love." He said and I saw a tear slip down his face and fall onto the sheet, leaving a mark.
I was surprised he stayed out of little space well he was talking about this. I knew when ever I talked about my ex I fell into it pretty hard but I guess we all cope differently. I knew he would probably fall into it soon from the stress of everything and I just hope Daddy came back to comfort him. I could try my best but taking care of other people isn't really something I excel at.
"t's not your fault. " I told him even though he wouldn't believe me. That was a fact you had to come to terms with yourself. It didn't matter how many times someone told you that.
We sat there together quietly after and I could faintly hear Daddy yelling over the phone. He was being quite loud if we could hear him from here and I hope that helped get the point across to his ex to leave him alone.
I still remember when Daddy and I first met. My Ex was no longer a part of my life but he was still harassing me in any way he could. Before that I could never of even thought that my Daddy could have a temper but when it came to defending me he couldn't control himself. My ex hasn't talked to me since then. Daddy scared him and I'm happy he did it because made my life easier and less stressful to put that part of my life behind me. I hope Ryan gets to do that now.
The yelling cut off for a while and I knew that the call was ended. Daddy came into the room and he saw what a mess Ryan was and how I was effected making his demeanor change in the blink of any eye. This was one of the reasons he was an amazing Daddy because he could be protective and compassionate.
I was trying my hardest not to let it shown that I was upset but Daddy could always read me like an open book. I was hoping he would understand that I was trying to hide it. I was being the most selfless I had ever been today.
He moved towards us and I moved out of Ryan's grasped to let daddy lay down in between us, He laid down and Ryan immedantly clung to him. I could tell it would be one of those days that Ryan was going to get more attention then me but considering all that happened I can deal with it.
"I dealt with it and he shouldn't hurt you ever again sweetheart. If he does call give me the phone. You shouldn't have to deal with that. You did such a good job leaving him and now you can put it behind you." Daddy said softly to Ryan as he ran his hand up and down his back. Ryan didn't say a word to him but he nodded his head to let him know he heard him.
Neither of us tried to get him to take I could see he was drained. He was moments away from falling to sleep now that he knew he was safe. Seeing him falling asleep I realized I could do for a nap too so I scooted down and curled into Daddy side more. He defiantly wasn't comfortable but of course he didn't complain. I think he was just happy that things were calming down a bit now. I hope Ryan is going to be doing better after he has a nap.

Daddy's Brat | Ghorror [C]
FanfictionI don't share and I never will. Everything was perfect before he came along and ruined it. °°°°°°°° DDLB Ghorror | Sitkolson | Ghoski