Kumiko was suddenly brought back from her flashback by her phone. She checked to see who was calling her
The screen lit up to show "Taki- sensei" as the caller ID
"Hello, sensei, what is happening?"
"Kumiko," Taki started "how would you like to conduct a band?"
"Wha- that'd be great! Where?"
"Here, how would you like to conduct Kitauji's band?"
"Like for a day? Are you sick? SENSEI ARE YOU DYING?"
All Taki could do was laugh, Kumiko may be a middle aged woman but she never really stopped being herself
"No, no, I'm not dying. I'm," he paused
"Oh, phew, I thought I was gonna lose y-"
"retiring" he finished
Kumiko fell silent. She couldn't quite process what he said
"Um what was that sensei?"
"I'm retiring, this is my last year as conductor" and that's when it hit her
YOU-" she stopped to catch her breathe " why now?" Worry in her voice"I feel like I've done enough even though I know it's not long"
"Kumiko, I'd like you to be my successor."
"Sensei, I can't. I'm sorry."
A sigh came from the other end
"I understand. Contact me if you change your mind."
"Yes sir, bye sensei"
She got up from her chair and went to the kitchen to get a snack. After choosing some cookies and checking the time, she went back to her desk.
*sigh* what do I do? I want to conduct but taki-sensei. I don't have experience either, aside from being an instructor and going to help in sectionals on occasion.
"Talking to your plant again, Kumiko?" A voice came from behind her. The speaker moved their head next to hers "I thought you stopped doing that but I guess you just do it when I'm not home"
With her Kumiko Noises™, Kumiko turned to her spouse red faced
"Waah! You're home early."
"Hmm, look at the day."
"Oh, it's Saturday." Kumiko realized
"Yes, that means I have one less show and" grabbing Kumiko's hand, kissing it "I get more time with you"
A/N: so who do you think Kumiko married? And yes Kumiko is 30-31 years old in this. Taki-sensei is around his early 50's so he's not really old. This is set 15 years after the current time in the anime so yeah. I know the chapters are short but like you gotta ease into it.

Band Adviser Kumiko AU
RandomAfter years Kumiko returns to Kitauji to help Taki-sensei