17; tea

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"Where are you taking me?" Freya had forgotten how many times she'd asked. She'd never thought about being claustrophobic but at that moment, she'd started considering the possibility. 

"We found a witch and she refused to talk to us without meeting you," Tristan said after a while. "Have any idea why?"

Freya felt like she was on a hidden camera show. "No, of course not," she said, appalled.

Things like this don't just happen, she felt like she was at war with her mind. Had everyone suddenly become absolutely crazy or had she just not seen it before?

 "So you broke into the house and terrorised us so a freaking witch can meet me?" Freya raised her voice. It was ridiculous to feel betrayed, she reasoned with herself. They didn't owe her anything, she thought and yet, she still felt like she was owed some extent of common decency.

He didn't reply. 

"Are you a psychopath? What is wrong with you people?" Freya's emotions were riling up as confusion and fear spiraled in her.

Freya looked outside the window, terrified of the people she thought she knew. But she realised she didn't know them at all and that they were all lunatics.

She then began to think about the charms and why they didn't work. The wolves had managed to get inside which made her body turn cold. If the house was unprotected then how did they survive the night. She tried to remember if she painted them wrong or anything else she'd messed up. But more importantly, how Greg was left in an unprotected house without her now. Would he realise that he's unprotected in time?

Her mind was racing and she could feel her head start to hurt. Tristan looked at her through the mirror and then back at the road. The horror of knowing that she could've been killed while she slept dawned on her and suddenly felt the paranoia creep in.

She looked back at Jade and Tristan at the front, regretting the moment she let her path cross theirs.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"Can you shut up?" Jade snapped from the passenger seat.

Freya kicked her seat with both legs, enraged by the treatment she was receiving. "You have no right to kidnap me and then tell me to shut up!"

Jade breathed deeply through her nose and glanced at Tristan who looked troubled.

Finally, the car slowed down and stopped near the edge of the forest. She looked outside to see a dark skinned woman standing in a long velvet dress who appeared to be waiting for them. The woman had a large ruby on the ring on her left hand and prominent facial features that would make anyone envy her appearance.

Jade pulled Freya out of the car roughly and took her towards the woman who watched Freya, carefully. She slowly turned her head to Tristan who looked uncomfortable by the whole situation.

"Where is the wolf?" she asked.

"Taken care of," Tristan replied, simply.

Cordelia nodded and Freya looked at Tristan in shock, what did he mean by 'taken care of?'

Another woman walked out from the small house, carrying a large envelope. She handed it to Cordelia before walking away.

Cordelia held out the red envelope for Tristan to take.

Tristan was about to take the envelope when he suddenly stopped himself. "What are you going to do with her?" he asked.

Cordelia sighed.

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