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Today was the day I was going to ask out Luke, I was really excited and really nervous that he would say no. I shouldn't really be nervous cause I know that I know that He loves me back. I should be calm about this. As I'm about to finish writing the song, I started to text Luke.

Calum: Hey

Luke: Hey

Calum: Are you buys rn?

Luke: No why?

Calum: Can you come over?

Luke: Sure! For what?

Calum: I got something to show you.

Luke: Is it bad?

Luke: It better not be your dick!

Calum: What? No!

Luke: Good.

Calum: But you didn't have a problem sing my bulge Saturday!

Luke: Shut up!

Calum: Make me! Come to my place please.

Luke:Alright, I'm coming rn.

Calum: Ok see you in a bit, Hemmings.

I put down my phone and finished the song. When I was finished with the song, the lyrics and the guitar, that is when Luke came. I hoped out of the floor and started making my way to the door. I opened the door and had a smile from ear to ear.

"Come see!" I said, grabbing his hand and guiding him to the sofa.

"Someone is excited." Luke laughed, as walking fast to the sofa.

I grabbed my guitar and went sit in front of him.

"I wrote you a song, I hope you like it." I said, looking for where to put my fingers. I started playing, getting nervous of how he is gonna react.

"I, need your love
Need your love
The taste in your tongue, oh
The smoke in your lungs and I
And I need your love
And I need your love
The salt on your skin
Is pulling me in
And I need your love
And I need your love" I sang, looking up at him.

He started to smile each time I song a word.
"I don't wanna say goodbye to another night
And watch you walk away
And I don't wanna let it burn in the city lights
And make the same mistakes, this time
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste tonight
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste tonight." I looked down at the guitar once  again and looked up at him again nervous of what his reaction was gonna be.

He was about to cry, tears were forming in his eyes. A smile formed on my face and I looked  back at the guitar.

"The scratch in your voice
Leaves me no choice
And I won't give up
And I can't give up
I don't wanna say goodbye to another night
And watch you walk away
I don't wanna let it burn in the city lights
And make the same mistakes, this time
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste tonight." I continued, looking up at Luke.

Tears were falling down his face. I went back looking at my guitar.

"I don't wanna say goodbye to another night
And watch you walk away
And I don't wanna let it burn in the city lights
And make the same mistakes, this time
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it, don't wanna waste tonight." I finished singing and the song all together.

I looked up at Luke and he was bawling. I put down the guitar and grabbed his hand. "Luke, I love you and I really want to be with you. Do you want to go out with me?" I asked, having a smile on my face.

Luke smiled and nodded his head fast. My smile grew bigger and got up, I help him get up and hugged him. Now I am the happiest person in the world.

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