Best day ever

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The night was cold. Because of the date most couples were walking through the park with their smiles and new proposal rings. So full of love and happiness to come.

At least most couples...because  one girl in Anchorage was about to receive the best of least that's what he thought would happen. 

The couple had been together for two months, not a long time, but he thought it was time, time for him to settle. He saw the way she looked at him, the way he looked at her. He was so nervous. Who wouldn't be really? In his 23 years he'd never felt this way. She would say yes, he was certain. She would soon be his wife. Mrs. Wood. Sounded good didn't it?

-Hey, Jay! You awake? You've been staring at me a weird way since we came here...-
He looked at her hazel eyes and decided it was time.

- Princess, do you know where we are? Don't answer...this is where we had our first hangout. Since the first moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. Would you, Jessica Peers Do me the honour of marrying me, Jay Wood?- a few older couples looked and sighed at the young couple, they were indeed the cutest thing all around.

"-Oh My Gosh Jay! Yes! I will marry you- she jumped into his arms and hugged and kissed all of him. He giggled and some tears even came out. This was the best day ever. "

-No.- she turned around and walked away, not even looking back to him. He felt tears in his eyes. He hugged himself and walked home to cry.

The rumour from the guys at the university were true. Jessica Peers never says yes to love. 

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