So it was ten days after Titanic had sank May 31 1911,after Rose lost someone she only knew for a little bit but she loved him Jack Dawson,and she was hiding from her ex Cal. But then when she was safe she finds out something that could be good or bad she discovered that she was pregnant,but the only person she had sex with was..........Jack. Jack the young man she fell in love with on the ship,but he died,hold her hand saving her as he froze to death,and she was forced to let him as she saw his body sink to the bottom of the ocean,no one would find him no air left of him,but Rose was having his child.

Titanic Jack's Kid
Short StorySo after the Titanic sink Jack die leaving Rosa to Survive. But what you didn't know was that Jack had a kid with Rosa,that when he and Rosa had sex on the ship she got pregnant,i'll tell you about Jack's kid.