I am Luna - Part 1

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My name is Luna and you don't know me but one day perhaps you will.

Magic as you understand it is very simple in its complexity. It's a language spoken in spirit, movement and sound.

To master it you must find your center expression. Mine is through music. With my instrument, I can open the time-space continuum as if I was a traveler. The cost of this gift is no one realizes it's me who guides them to the end they truly seek.

You may ask why I would work so hard to choose such a discipline but I would say to you. Power corrupts those who seek it but those who don't, they become something more than power itself. They become ...


Here's the story you know as I see it. I wish to apologize in advance for the in-continuity you may find. When you speak of time things get a bit... disconnected as they are possibilities, not a certainty. Hence why I choose music as my focus of power. I feel you don't understand so, I give you this example.

Have you ever listened to a piece of music whose meaning to you changes depending on when you hear it? Who's playing it or what is happening to you at that very moment?

I thought you might understand so now I give you my shorthand of why Quinton Coldwater is the most powerfully insecure Magician who will save us all.

Luna plays "Purple Rain"

The vision of what really happened plays from the moment Quinton Coldwater used battle magic against Penny only he doesn't have the crystal. Penny is able to transport to another time and the shot hits Kade. Since Kade is the one who has the crystal she is protected however is stunned for a moment. Julia shields Quinton from the blowback.

How is Julia there? Well...that's a simple answer but I don't have time to explain ...the song will be over soon and isn't important at the moment.

Since it's before the bond of friendship has been solidified between them, Quinton is attacked by Elliot. Only Quinton is able to shield himself from the attack and deflect the blast to Margo. How did he do it? Quinton saw how Julia did the spell to protect him so he mimics her movement. Margo is helpless against the blast and is thrown into the fountain. Elliot goes after Margo.

You may be asking where is Alice? She was not allowed to attend Brakebills instead of it being Julia.

Kade tries to stop Quinton but Julia, through their friendship, has instinctively bonded her power to Quinton's instead, all those who attack them both are rendered helpless.

The Beast laughs and says thank you for doing my job for me.

Quinton and Julia's powers join to smite the Beast but the trinity is causing a rip in time and space.

Penny reluctantly takes Quinton and Julia to the land of Fountains and leaves them there.

Luna stops playing.

Do you know why you are here?

Quinton and Julia in unison say, "No."

Until you believe in what you can not read or see from others but within yourself for yourself, you will always fail.

They ask, again in unison, "Will we remember?"


Memory replaced.

My name is LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora