Last Human Day

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"Human emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors. Cruelty is a gift humanity has given itself."


Some religions believe in souls, some believe in dharma or aura's. Some people without religion believe that the brain controls us, but what is "us?" What makes us the way that we move, talk and speak? What makes us the way we fall in love and dance and be creative? What if someone could just take that all away?

Name:Aoife B. Loka Height:5 ' 1" Weight:135 pounds Age:14

Ethnicity:African American - Caucasian  Gender:Gender Fluid

Hair Color:Black Skin Color:Black Eye color:Dark Brown

This is me, all that I am, and all that I ever will be after tomorrow. All the experiences I've ever had, all the emotions I have ever felt, all the thoughts and memories I have ever made, gone, gone forever. It's okay though, don't feel pity for me. President Forrester says that it's the only way to keep us from becoming our own worst enemy. Maman and Papa say that I won't even remember that they exist, and they won't miss me because I will be removed from their memory file. This is what I was meant to do. My parents were reprogrammed to be breeders and they have completed their job, now it's time for me to start mine.

Today was my emotion day, I got to go experience anything that I wanted to, because tomorrow I won't be able to experience anything anymore. I had a fun day, but tomorrow is looming. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Well tommorow I won't. I close my eyes and get lost in dream land.         

(Hi, should I continue this?  If people seem to like it and view it I will)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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