Krirgiri's POV"Why are you shaking my dear?" Junko said that with an unusual amount of whimsy in her voice. For the tone of the situation, it didn't fit. Her expression changed as she said this next line, "You never seen a dead chick before? I thought you were s'posed to be a detective!"
I flinched at that last line. "Detective?" I didn't know what she meant. What did she mean detective? Junko looked at me with a face that looked alot like a cat,"Oh, didn't you know~? You're the Super Highschool Level Detective!" I didn't know what to say. "Only an imbecile in the peasant rank would forget such important information!" She sounded like a british noble. I still hadn't completely grasped what was going on, but I had gotten a little bit of what her personality was like. Or personalities.
"Excuse me, Junko, but, all I care about is where Naegi is. Monokuma never answered my question before you walked in." Junko just stared at me. Then SHE started upupu-ing. I was getting tired of that noise. I stood there impatiently until she finally started talking.
"Naegi is right behind that door, but in much worse shape than you!" She pointed to a door behind her before the upupu-ing started up again. "What do you mean worse shape than me?" I was worried Junko may have done something to Naegi. I don't know why, but I wanted to protect Naegi. He's very delicate and trusts people too easily, so someone has to be there for him. I'd hoped that person were me. In response to my question, Junko pointed at me with a big grin on her face, "Behind that door, Naegi is slowly being poisoned with a gas!" She said. "It makes him real tired, and he gets sick after breathing it in for some time. So~ if you don't go get him soon, he's gonna die! Doesn't that bring you such a beautiful feeling?! DESPAIR!" And that's when I got anxious. I couldn't save Naegi without medical supplies, so there'd have to be a ladder or some other way to get back up to the school, but I'd also have to worry about other things. Like how I was going to carry him up there. And, if Junko would even let her through. But that question was quickly answered.
"If you think I'm gonna stop ya from goin' to Naegi's aid, you're a retard. I wouldn't do that! It's no fun! So~ I'll let you through and see how this plays out!" She had a big grin on her face as she moved out of the way and bowed, extending her arm toward the door. I still had no idea why she was still alive or why she was acting this way, but that was a matter for another time. Right now, I have to save Naegi.Naegi's POV I so tired...? For some reason, my consciousness is fading.... I can't stay....awake.... And I feel very weak.... I can barely keep my eyes open... much less stand.... I guess there's no escaping.... the inevitable.... I have to.... sleep.... now....
Omniscient POV *lol idk*
Kirigiri walked cautiously past Junko toward the door. She hesitated as she turned the doorknob. She saw exactly as she's expected to see. Naegi's body, lying on the ground. She went over to look at him. She saw that he was very pale and his pulse was weakening. She carefully picked him up on her back and examined get new surroundings.
She saw that there was, in fact, a ladder. She walked over to it and started climbing, Naegi still on her back. "You'll be okay,"She said, quietly.*****
As Kirigiri climbed, she thought about what Junko said. She said that she was the Super Highschool Level Detective. It definitely made sense, she wasn't afraid to get her gloves dirty at a crime scene. Blood and death hadn't bothered her ever since she could remember, which honestly wasn't very long. Just as she finished that thought, she realized that Naegi's breathing had grown even more shallow.
"Hang in there,"she said to herself. She looked above her and saw a light. ~~The exit~~ she thought. ~~I hope the others will be willing to help~~ She didn't want to doubt them, that must've been Naegi's trust rubbing off on her, but she couldn't help herself. They'd blamed Naegi and herself for something they didn't do. They'd sacrificed two of the people who were doing the most in this situation to help. She really wanted to believe in them, so she did.
Before she knew it, she'd reached the light. And her speculations were correct. It was an exit. To the inside of the principal's office. She climbekd out, carefully lied Naegi down, and sat down next to him for a short break to catch her breath. She must've made more noise than she thought because Asahina came blasting through the door.
"What was that noise?!" She looked at Kirigiri and flinched. "I....uhh.... I'm... I'm sor-" Kirigiri cut her off.
"We have no time for that. Naegi needs medical attention ASAP. Please." Asahina looked at Naegi and opened her eyes wide. "What happened?!"
"It's a long story we don't have time for right now. Now, please help me save Naegi! "

Danganronpa: If The Roles Were Reversed
FanfictionHiya! Here I'll write about what would have happened if the murderers and victims were reversed. If there were two that died, I will simply write it as a collaboration and choose 1 single killer, or write another story for if the other was the one t...