A Very Confused Sorting

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Not much had changed in the great hall, there was still the four tables that stretched the room. Now filled with excited students, all ready to start the school year. The ceiling looked like the clear night sky, thousands of stars danced around, and the floating candles were flickering in the wind of the open door. But the windows all had new stained glass in, depicting the rise and fall of Voldemort and how the school had stood up on one side and the four founders on the other. The first years walked down the central aisle towards the teachers table, muttering between them on how awesome all this was. Mcgonagall stood patiently at the edge of the stairs, scroll in hand, looking stern and strong like all the stories said of her.

Arielle glanced at the other teachers, some looked like they had always been at Hogwarts where as others looked as excited as the students. There was one, sat next to who she could only guess to be Slughorn (Or Sleazehorn as Damen put) who looked like he didn't want to be here, but as the group came to a stop and silence fell over the room. Arielle looked back towards the Headmistress.

"Welcome First years, to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Soon you will be sorted into your houses. Your house will be like your family, your achievements will earn you points towards the house cup at the end of the year." Mcgonagall motioned to the four coloured containers on the back wall. Each one delicately placed upon a silver or gold fitting and had coloured grains of sand within them.

"Any rule breaking and you will lose points." She added simply, glancing at each one of the first years. Arielle wondered if they used magic or hand to remove the points. "The Dark Forest is out of bounds to all students and I would like to remind you to always have your maps on you, now, shall we begin?" she asked and moved down, revealing an old, odd looking witches hat that was placed carefully on a stool. Everyone was looking at the piece of cloth, waiting for it to speak. And then, in a deep clear voice, it did.

"I know that I don't look like much,
but my purpose is clear.
To sort all Hogwarts Students,
Into Houses every year.

As I'm placed upon your head,
I must look and decide.
For the seven years that you are here,
in which house you will reside.

The cunning go to Slytherin,
The wise to Ravenclaw,
The loyal belong to Hufflepuff
and the bravest to Gryffindor.

Lest you know these name,
it is I that must decide.
The truth within these houses,
is what will be the prize.

So spite not the Slytherin,
who's cunning can save the day.
Don't think of slyness or sin,
a friend, some might say.

No ignorance for the Ravenclaw,
Who surely cannot fail.
They hold the spirit of law,
but they'll never be one to bail.

To expect courage from Gryffindor,
their hearts can outshine all.
And even though they fight and war,
it's not always without a fall.

Or betray noble Hufflepuff,
Who care not of aggression.
But know, oddly enough,
that their heart's a loyal weapon.

So worry not on friends or family,
for you will not have to choose.
The fate that is made from tragedy,
is sometimes worth to lose."

A ringing of claps and cheers could be heard from all around, it was almost deafening being stood in the centre of the room. Arielle glanced back at the hat that seemed to require so much praise and attention, yet the words from its song stuck with her. Had they no say in the house they went too? No choice in where they wanted to go? A quick glance to her two new friends made that feeling of dread grow in her stomach. What if she was placed away from them? The others seemed so excited about it all and even seemed eager to go sit on the stool. But all Arielle could feel was the apprehension of having her sense of will taken away and placed in a house that a hat, even an enchanted hat, deemed suitable. Headmistress Mcgonagall appeared again and unrolled her scroll.

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"When I call your name, I will place the sorting hat upon your head and then you will go to the table of your house." The Headmistress spoke clearly and looked at the list carefully. And so, one by one the names went by, most were quick but a few lasted a bit longer then the required time.

"Dahlia Blake." Mcgonagall spoke and Arielle watched her friend walk up the steps. A moment passed, and then two, then three, until finally.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat called out and claps followed as the young pixie girl smirked, walking towards the emerald green decorations. Arielle frowned slightly and rubbed her arm as she looked back towards the stage. Damen also went to Slytherin soon after, but that only made the dread grow.

"Vanessa Green." Mcgonagall spoke again and Arielle glanced at the young women who walked up the steps. Black hair that ran down the entirety of her back, with two equally long streaks of colour running down both sides. She had what seemed like a variety of jewellery under her cloak and her make up matched her hair perfectly. Moments passed again and Arielle wondered what happened during those moments of silence, did the hat talk to them? Or was it more of an inner voice? The kind you couldn't tell the difference of.

"RAVENCLAW!" The shout came so sudden that Arielle jumped slightly, cheers and banging of goblets could be heard as Vanessa practically skipped towards her new table, smiling widely the whole way. Arielle smiled faintly, but knew her time was coming soon. Names went on and on until finally, the moment of truth came for Arielle.

"Arielle Smith." Mcgonagall called and the young witch began to walk forward, the remaining few parted way to allow her onto the steps. Sitting down on the small wooden stool, Arielle felt uncomfortable in front of all the people, even though she knew they could not hear the hat. It still made keeping her face difficult in front of them all.

"Another difficult one." A small voice in the corner of her ear whispered, making the young girl gulp back any fear she had. "You show great care for the people dear to you...yes, but there is something else. Something secret." It carried on, making Arielle realize that everyone was waiting for them now, like she had with the others. "Should I place you on the qualities you have? Or the ones you prize? Hmmm?" it asked, making Arielle wonder which would be better for the long run. "Or maybe neither. Maybe I should place you in the house that will benefit you the greatest?" It was very rude, Arielle thought, to demand such answers without giving anything back. This caused the hat to chuckle lightly in her head.

"I suppose, a bit of both." Arielle finally whispered back, giving her truthful answer and hoping it was good enough to solve any problems the hat was having with her placement. It was then that a deep laughter rang in her head, one that she knew deep down didn't happen often.

"Then I suppose, you should belong in the house that needs you the most....HUFFLEPUFF!" it called out loud, making her jump once again and stand weakly. Arielle walked towards the yellow banners of Badgers and smiled gently to the cheers. She stole a glance back at the Slytherin table. Where Damen was watching her intently, a smile on his lips and Dahlia was frowning slightly at the empty cup in front of her. Did this mean they couldn't be friends anymore?

Arielle sat between two older girls and listened as they all spoke on how the Sorting's hat song was especially cryptic this year and what that meant for the year as a whole. So this is what they were talking about during the sorting? Anyone past the first year just didn't care anymore. Unless you were one of the loud students that cheered and clapped when the sorting hat chose. AS she sat there, looking at the remaining first years, all Arielle could think was what the hat had told her. Something secret and her house needing her more then she needed it? And was it their fate as a whole or her own that would be born from tragedy?

"Isabella Thorn." Came a voice over the quiet chatter and Arielle glanced up again to see the witch that now sat on the stool. She had long brown hair that curled in such a way Arielle was sure it had taken hours to get right. The same thing happened between the others, one moment passed and then another and then another. Until finally...

"GRYFFINDOR." It called out and the girl ran quickly to the red table, her cheeks a lovely colour of rose. Arielle smiled faintly and looked back at the three remaining students. Another Gryffindor, another Ravenclaw and then...

"Maya Young." The last name on the list was a young women with short brown hair, with purple and pink streaks. She was a similar size to Dahlia and seemed to be full of energy. Her skin was slightly tanned, Arielle wondered where she lived before coming here,

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The voice rang out and the witch walked over to Arielle's table and sat opposite. Looking very embarrassed and a little bit worn out. And with the end of the sorting, came the banquet, Arielle was not disappointed with what appeared on the tables. So much variety, there were sandwiches, sausages, pumpkin pies, bowls full of chips and crisps as well as chick drumsticks, fish cakes, potato waffles, gravy and jugs of juice in every colour. Arielle glanced over at Maya and smiled,

"I'm Arielle." She said to the girl, who grinned in turn, "another first year Hufflepuff, I was wondering if I was going to be the only one." She added softly, amused.

"Maya." Came a reply, "and it's nice to meet you." She added happily and soon the two became fast friends (which was a usual thing within the Hufflepuff house it seemed), talking about the nerves of being a first year and the realization that they would soon have classes and possibly get lost within the great castle. And with the food slowly going down and dessert starting to appear, it showed that the start of the school had officially begun.

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