You were so excited. Today was the day that your boyfriend was getting his wisdom teeth removed. You couldn't wait to see how he was going to act with the laughing gas in his system.
You, Ethan, Grayson, Cameron, and Lisa were currently sitting in the Oral Surgery lobby.
"You ok?" you asked while grabbing Ethan's hand.
"Oh yeah, I'm just nervous about how I'm going to act afterwards. Promise me that you'll hug me if I cry."
"I got you covered E," you said kissing his non puffy lips and face for the last time.
"Ethan Dolan." the receptionist called.Grayson filmed as Ethan headed back into one of the surgery rooms. He gave you all nervous looks.
"You got this Ethan." you said as the door from the lobby to the back was closing.As everyone was waiting for the doctor to finish on Ethan's mouth, you all were talking about how Ethan would act afterwards.
"I think he's going to cry about some nonexisting thing." Cam said giggling. "Oh I lost my brother. He flew into the air on a unicorn and left me here," Cameron teased.
"I am existing!" Grayson said.
"Yeah suuure." Cameron said messing up Grayson's hair.
Everyone laughed.
"What about you (Y/N), how do you thing he's going to act?" Cameron asked.
"I think he's going to be crazy, like wild animal crazy," you said.
Everyone looked at you funny.
"We'll see, we'll see....." Lisa said.1 hour later
The doctor was finally finished.As soon as you guys walked in the room, Ethan was set off. He was soooo savage. He was soooo hyper.
"I don't give a f***"
I don't give a s***"Ethan was out of control. Everyone in the room was laughing, even the doctor's assistant.
"ETHAN!" Grayson yelled.
The doctor's assistant was trying to get him to get him quiet but he totally didn't listen.
"Come here, BABY BABY BABY OHHH!" Ethan sang to you.
"Ethan shhhhh. You have to be quiet." you said giggling as you walked over to him, stroking his hair.
"WHYY?? I JUST WANT TO PARTY!" Ethan yelled.Finally you guys were headed back to the Dolan's house after a whole morning of Ethan's savageness. You, Cameron, Ethan, and Grayson rode together in the twin's truck while Lisa drove her car. One minute you were looking at your phone and then the next minute Ethan's beenie blew off outside in the wind. You were so glad you were already on Snapchat because you got Ethan losing Grayson's beenie in the wind.
"ETHAN!!!" you and Grayson giggled yelled .At The Dolan's House
"(Y/N) come cuddle with me," Ethan said.
You walked over to his bed and layed down, allowing Ethan to lay his head on your chest.
"Having fun there?" you smirked.
"Defiantly!" Ethan said smiling while squeezing one of your boobs. "Thanks for dealing with me today. I've been really really bad, I'm sorry." Ethan said about to cry.
"Aww E, it's ok. Don't cry. Just go to sleep and forget today.” you said trying not to giggle.
"Ok. Thanks (Y/N). I love you." Ethan said snuggling into you while you ran your hands through his hair.
"Love you too Ethan." you said falling into a deep sleep, hoping that Ethan wouldn't drool blood onto your shirt.~~~~~~~~~~
A/N- Sorry if this story was bad. I've been caught up in exams and school stuff. Ethan getting his wisdom teeth removed was the best thing ever!!! SAVAGE ETHAN!!! The funniest part for me was when he lost the beenies. Hahah, got a love Ethan!

Dolan Twins Imagines/Short Stories
FanfictionImagines and short stories about Ethan and Grayson Dolan.