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They, Liam and Scott, held me by my arms and took me back inside the house.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, "I'm sorry for lying to you."

"Why did you?" Liam asked looking hurt.

"I didn't do it to hurt you guys. It was because I knew the police were looking for me." I said feeling really bad because of seeing Liam's face.

"Give me your phone." Stiles commanded.

"No." I stated.

He saw the shape of it in my pocket and took it out.

"I'm calling your grandparents." Stiles said angrily.

"No you're not." I said with a sigh.

"And why not?" Stiles asked raising his eyebrows.

"Because my grandparents died about 6 years ago!" I screamed.

"Do you have any other family?" Scott asked with sad eyes.

"My parents were only children and my grandparents siblings all died. I have no family." I said feeling lonely and embarrassed.

"Also I didn't only come to control my shift," I took a long pause then started again, "I came because they were going to take me away after I saw my parents."

Liam and Scott lowered me down until my feet touched the ground.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I said looking at Liam.

"It's okay." Stiles said in response.

"I wasn't ... never mind." I said giggling.

"You're not going to call the police, right?" I asked scared that they were gonna say yes.

"No." Liam said.

"Liam, you don't get to choose okay?" Stiles said.

Liam made his blue eyes change into a yellowish gold color. He started to growl at Stiles and showed him his fangs.

"But you can have a say in our decision." Stiles said frightened.

"I think we all agree that we're not going -" Scott was cut off by Stiles.

"Not going to not tell the police." Stiles said with a raise of his eyebrows seeming like it was a good suggestion.

"Stiles!" Scott shouted.

"Scott I don't wanna keep anything else from my dad." he said with a sigh.

I could understand that. I hated the fact that I had to keep my secret from my parents. "Also," he continued, "she scares me."

I smirked.

"Two against one, Stiles." Scott said.

"She can stay at my house!" Liam shouted, afterwards looking really embarrassing.

"Okay, but you can't tell your parents that she's staying there." Scott stated seriously.

"Why not?" Liam asked stupidly, "I can just say she's a foreign exchange student and tell them a fake name, they will never know."

"Yeah, that's a good plan except there will be missing girl pictures all of the CITY!" Stiles shouted, trying to articulate to Liam that his plan stunk.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Liam said making a confused face.

"I won't tell my parents." Liam said.

"Good." I said smiling, then I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Everyone was looking at me.

"What? I was just thanking him!" I said looking into everyone's gaze.

"Just so you two know, it's a full moon tomorrow night." Scott told me and Liam.

"Okay," I said with a concerned look, "You're going to be with me on the full moon, right?"

"Of course I will." Liam said patting me on the shoulder.

"You can be with me too, but I was actually taking to Scott." I said smiling at Liam.

"Oh." Liam blurted getting more embarrassed by the minute.

"Yes, I will." Scott said with a serious face.

Stiles drove me and Liam over to Liam's house. I waited behind the house for Liam's signal.
When Liam was in his room he lowered down a rope ladder from his window.

I climbed it up to his room and we waited until his parents went to bed.

"Can you control your shift?" I asked him.

"Kind of, you?" He asked in return.

"I guess, Stiles said I would need an anchor to control it, but I did it on my own." I said almost getting lost in his eyes.

"I actually don't know because that was just on a regular day." I said awkwardly laughing at myself.

"You'll be able to control it." He told me trying to reassure me.

"Thanks." I said.

I stood up making my back face him.

"I don't wanna make this anymore awkward so I'm just gonna tell you that I like you." I said to him.

Before any words were able to come out of his mouth I said, "I think your parents are asleep now so I'm gonna go down to the basement."

Before I left his room I came up to him and gave him a 3 second kiss on the lips. I pulled and was about to close the door, but he caught my body and pulled me in for another kiss.

This one was longer and nicer because I knew he wanted to kiss me this time. I smiled at him after we pulled apart and walked down to the basement.

I tucked my self in bed and went to slept. The last thought I had in my head was my life was finally back in place.

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