Proper Clothes

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"We're going shopping and that's that" Erebus growled out

I didn't comment since I was too busy ignoring what he had said to pretend that it will never happen, because the fact of being dragged to a store sounded humiliating.

"Layla, you better stop ignoring me!" Erebus barked from upstairs

I frowned from the loud sound but still refused to reply and kept making eggs in the skillet while adding in a dash of pepper. Erebus thundering footsteps erupted from around the corner as he made his way downstairs to me, it probably would have been a wiser decision to just say okay to him but there was no turning back now as he stomped into the kitchen and over to me. He stopped right next to me and since I was so small if I was to turn my head it wouldn't even have an effect on his piercing gaze since I'd be staring right at his chest. My sudden boost of confidence disappeared as quickly as it had come once he spoke with a stone cold tone

"Look at me" he commanded

I turned my head and looked up into his eyes, mine being usually soft, almost pleading look while his stayed hard and firm since I had pushed his temper this morning it didn't surprise me the least.

"You're upsetting me severely this morning, you're my mate, not a child, act like it."

That one hurt me, for him to say something like that to me made it feel like I had failed him somehow but I hadn't meant for it to escalate like this, I just didn't want to have to go out and have him pay for me when I was an adult and should be able to do it myself. Then again, most mates didn't allow their females to go out and work because there was always the risk that they would come in contact with someone else if they weren't around to protect them, I was useless to him in that way, in too many ways. My eyes were stinging I then noticed as a few tears slipped from my eyes and down my face as my head tilted back towards the ground to avoid looking at Erebus and then wiped them with the sleeve of his hoodie. He froze I noticed out of the corner of my eye but my gaze stayed on the ground until his hands raised up to cup my face and tilt my head back to look at him directly and his eyes were soft again but were more pleading this time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he cooed,

Before leaning down and kissing my eyes while in the process getting rid of the salty tears, I brought my hand up against one of his and pressed it on his hand while leaning into it.

"It's okay" I nearly whispered into his hand

"I didn't mean to go out on you like that sweetheart, I'm really sorry" while speaking his arms wrapped around my waist and brought me against his chest into a comforting hug that soothed my erratic emotions.

"It's really okay, Erebus" I replied into his hard chest now

He kissed the top of my head before continuing on in a smooth voice

"We're going to go get you some clothes though, alright?"

I frowned into his chest but just nodded in reply not wanting to ruin that happy moment that we had now. He let me go and went to grab some plates for the eggs that were still on the stove and brought them over to me, I took them and set both eggs onto the plates before handing him his and walking to the table. We both ate in a comfortable silence until we were finished then I got up and cleaned the plates before Erebus picked me up from behind making me squeal as he laughed humorously then walked out the door to a truck that was too big for me to even climb into. With a happy attitude and a set amount of money, I was allowed to spend we headed off to the mall down the street to buy some clothes for me.

It was dark now and both of us had already eaten at the food court in the mall which I was thankful for because cooking didn't sound very enjoyable at the time as I lay on the bed tiredly with my arms and legs spread out across the smooth covers while Erebus took a shower. We had gotten plenty of clothes that now were neatly hung up in the gigantic closet Erebus had in his bathroom but none of them had gotten the reaction he had wanted I guess, all the clothes I had just gotten if they looked nice and thrown into the basket, again I wasn't the type of girl to enjoy shopping I just wanted to get it over with. I had been excited though when Erebus had convinced me to go into a dress store that had a long black dress that sparked my interest and we had bought it for any special occasion that may occur where I would have to go with Erebus. That had satisfied him after the smile I had across my face after we bought it and when I figured out that we were done shopping for the day so we could go home which had made him laugh as I'd nearly skipped across the parking lot.

Erebus then came out of the bathroom and I looked up to see him in a pair of black boxers and his hair was spiked up from the hot water he had been in probably, the fact that he was only wearing boxers made me blush although it really shouldn't because that's the way its been ever since I've met him. I shoved my face back into the pillows quickly before he could catch me staring at him, he walked over to the bed and I felt the bed dip a little but not enough that he had his full body weight on it and I turned my face towards him to look at him. He was looking down at me with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk playing on his lips

"What is it?" I asked

"Who do you think you are taking up the whole bed missy" he chuckled at me

As I shifted to move over he threw me up into his arms and laid his back against the headboard before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and brought me to his chest. His hand brushed against the side of my face to brush the hair away from my eyes a smile spread across my lips as we both looked at each other for a minute but then that minute turned into I don't know long before sleep took over.

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