For three hours I was there, listening to what 'Optimus Prime' had to say. And yet, I was never even asked a single question. Untill the one point where he cleared his throught.
"(Y/n), I need to know why you are known as subject 1." He said with his voice sounding shaky.
Memories zoomed through me like a bullet. Every which way they turned and knotted untill a single teardrop hit the floor.
No......please don't make me tell you....
"(Y/n), we need to know why." Optimus said firmly.
I looked up, my eyes staring into his bright blue optics. I'm guessing he read the look on my face because he sighed and looked away.
"You may tell us when you're most comfortable." His voice was smooth and soft.
I started to calm down after those few words. I breathed in and out more slowly and eventually parted my lips to speak.
"I was around the age of 5. My mother had been killed and I never knew my father." I started as I closed my eyes.
I could still feel Prime's optics staring at me. Wondering. Thinking. Hoping.
"I was given a name for when I was in public, but in the lab, I was subject 1. For many years I had been tested for a certain surgery, which I had no clue what it was. But one day, the sugery began." My voice seemed to crack at the last part and I opened my eyes.
All the bots were looking at me with sorrow optics. But I couldnt say anymore. It was as if my mouth had been stitched together by one of the men who did that to me.
"Its easier to show than to tell..." I manage to say as I take off my black glove and lift my hoodie sleeve.
A gasp was heard all throughout the room. My arm, wasnt my arm. It was metal, scrap, nothing more than a peice of junk. I hated it.
A few ears shuddered as the cold air hit my servos. I shivered and brought my arm close to my chest to warm it up.
"They did that to me..." I muttered.
"Why?" A fimilar voice asked.
I shut my mourh and pretended she wasnt there. I used to go to school with her, untill I dropped. She was annoying, rude, and a show off. She'd always brag about her guitar during gym and walk through the halls like she was something special.
"Why?" She repeated.
I sighed and finally answered, "They wanted to make a better species of humans. Its not just my arm, its my blood cells and heart rate. My organs are different from the average human too. Im like an.....upgraded version of modern day humans, I guess.
Optimus instantly looked away, walking out of the room into a hall way.
Does he know something? Why do they want to know why I'm different? Do they take part in my hell too?
Sorry the chapter is short. But this was so hard to figure out what exactly happened to her. Like i knew about her arm but I needed a reason. But now I've got a reason and stuff so YAY!!! Hope y'all enjoyed! BOIIIIII!!!! ^-^

Hands of a Hero, Voice of a Friend
FanfictionWhat are tears? Scars. What are stars? Souls. What is life? A test. These are things I ask and answer nonstop. Dreaming of other races out there in our universe, but kjowing theres no way to tell. I've hoped for years, and nothing came. I hoped for...