I woke up the next morning in just my underwear and bra, I then start to panic! 'What the hell did we do last night?!' I thought to myself I swear I have know idea what happened all I do know is that there is a Liam with only boxers on in my bed.
"Liam!" I said almost yelling, while shaking him so he could wake up.
" What is someth-!" he said but the noticed "What the hell happened last night?!"
" I swear I have know Idea, I just woke up like this!"
"Maybe we just went to bed last night..."
" Ok well I need to get ready cause me and Sarah have a day full of fun for my birthday!"
" Today is your birthday?! Happy birthday 19 now right?"
" Yep but my birthday isn't until Thursday but since Sarah's mom goes back home on Thursday shes going to spend all day with her Wednesday, tomorrow."
" Oh ok, well ill leave now so you can get ready." with that he put his pants on, gave me a kiss on my cheek and left. It didn't take long for me to get ready, I put on my grey blousy infinity t-shirt, my faded ripped skinny jeans and my white converses. I ran next door to Sarah's house and we drove to the mall, the ice cream shop, we got our nails done, and went to Starbucks, then we just hung out at her house for the rest of the day.
" Sarah I need to tell you something..."
"Yea whats up?" She said while drinking some of her ice coffee.
" Well I ended up telling Liam..."
" YOU WHAT!!" she said but not in a mad way.
" Well we were just talking then he asked me about it and I didn't want to tell him at first but then it just kinda came out."
" Is everything ok?"
" Yea everything's fine, but...but we woke up the next morning in just our underwear and-"
" Did yall you it?"
" Well that's what we don't know we think we just went to bed like that but I hope not cause that would be good cause I have no protection anywhere in me house besides pads and I know he just does carry condoms in his pockets... I-I just d-don't want to be 19 with a child..." I said bursting out in tears starting to cry on Sarah's shoulder then she started to cry with me. We ended up going to bed early cause we both were tired from crying.
We woke up the next morning with puffy eyes and red cheeks then I saw Sarah run to the bathroom. I started to hear gaging noices so I ran in there and held her hair back, she got up and wiped her mouth off and drank some water.
" It was probably a bad Idea to drink two coffees and then jump around."
" Ya think!" I said giggling a little. We both walked down stairs after we got changed, I was wearing a batman half shirt, black skinny jeans, and black vans and she was wearing a orange tank top that said 'Dance Like Everyone's Watching' ripped short shorts and orange high tops. We got to the Kitchen and we saw a note it said,
Dear Sarah,
I had to leave on an early flight back home cause work called and I had to be there Im sorry but maybe when I come down again next month we can hang out on the day before last that time Im so sorry love you!
Sarah threw the note in the trash like it was know big deal, she grabbed cereal, two bowls, and the milk for us to eat breakfast.
" What are we suppose to do now?" Sarah said cleaning her bowl out
" Well the boys at the studio today maybe we can surprise them."
" Ok well then get your ass in the car and lets go!"
We got in the car and drove there while listening to the radio. I changed the channel and then It Girl by Jason Derulo came, I love him!
"I've been looking under rocks and breaking locks
Just tryna find ya
I've been like a maniac insomniac,
Five steps behind ya" I sang my part when it started
" Tell them other girls, they can hit the exit
Check please...
Cause I finally found the girl of my dreams
Much more than a Grammy award,
That's how much you mean to me" Sarah sang her part also.
Right before the chores started we arrived at the studio. We got out and walked in, we walk to Studio 5 cause that's the one they were in. We ended having to wait for the boys to be down recording before we could go in there cause the security guards said we could distract them from there work so we just sat in the chairs out side of the room. We sat out here for almost an hour before they came out when they did they end up staying in there and hung out so we asked if we could go in now so he unlocked the door for us.
"Hey what are yall doing here?" Harry asked, once he said that Liam turned around and smiled. I smiled back then walked over to him and layed down on the couch with my head on his legs Sarah ended up sitting on Niall. We all hung out for about 3 hours until it was time to go we all went back to there hotel and watched Toy Story 1,2, and 3 but I fell asleep in the middle of 2. Then that's when I had the weirdest dream...

1D love...
FanfictionTwo girls. Best Friends. & a 1D concert ticket. you would never think two weird, un-normal, & un-famous girls would be the love of of two boys in a band called One Direction... It all started when they won the tickets and ended with a happy ending...