Angelina Gabriela Luca del Selina (Leena) – The Serien of Water. Former Hruh thief and 2nd in command of the Seriens.
Alaina of the Feral (Alaina) – The Serien of Wind and young mage of the Feral wildlands.
Sakima Ichiro kel Lanius (Sakima) – The Serien of Earth and Hidenka (crown prince) of Acadia.
Edward son Paul de Birming (Turrent) – The Serien of Electricity and former assassin for the Tsuchina.
Yulan (Yulan) – The Serien of Fire and Reincarnation (crown prince) of Yua.
Yusabin (Sabin) – The Serien of Light and false Reincarnation of Yua. The current leader of the Seriens.
Author: Greetings Serien Nation! I'm your moderator for today and we've managed to get all of the Seriens in the same room. What's more is they agreed to answer your questions and not kill each other.
Leena: *clears throat*
Author: Correction: They've agreed they'll try not to kill each other.
Leena: Better.
Author: Alright, first question-
Turrent: It's not some Dr. Phil crap about our feelings about each other, is it?
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Author: *drops card* No, not at all. I was going to ask about life after you defeat the Guan. (Yeah, that's a good one).
Turrent: I imagine some of us are going to die, so there's no need to think about it now. If I make it, I'll decide then.
Sabin: Show some respect, Turrent. This man is just doing his job.
Turrent: Yeah, yeah, Captain America.
Sabin: Captain America? Manners do not make me a Captain or American.
Leena: How's your baby momma, by the way?
Alaina: *wind picks up in the room* I do not care what problems you have with Sabin; you will not disparage my sister.
Sakima: *stands up* Colleagues, I think we should calm down. This is an interview, not an interrogation.
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Yulan: *glances at Sakima's bare chest* The Reincarnation of Yua would take you more seriously if you wore a shirt.
Sakima: *glances at Yulan's loincloth* I would take you more seriously if you wore pants. And stopped referring to yourself in the third person.
Yulan: I thought you friendlies liked that sort of thing.
Sakima: Insult my orientation again and I will break you.
Yulan: You could try, but you would fail. As they all do.
Sabin: Enough! All of you!
Leena: *glares*
Sabin: Our readers are counting on us for an hour. One freaking hour. We're all mature enough to handle that, no?
*slow. begrudging nods cascade around the room*
Alaina: I'll go first. After we defeat the Guan, I will return home and unite the Feral and the Echu. Our tribes have been apart for too long. After that? *shrugs*
Leena: I suppose I'll find my brother and see what he's up to in Acadia.
Sabin: He's in Affil now.
Leena: How do you know?
Sabin: Intuition.
Leena: *grits teeth* I hate when you say that.
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Yulan: I will return to Yua with my Wing and I will rain blood and vengeance upon my father. I will liberate my people from his tyranny.
Sakima: You just had to steal my thunder, didn't you?
Yulan: The Reincarnation of Yua tends to do these things.
Sakima: *sighs* I guess tyrannical father-kings are in high supply. I do worry for Hastuto. Now that my father knows about us, there is no end to the danger he can put upon him.
Sabin: Actually your sister is KoHeika now.
Sakima: *furrows his brow* How do you know?
Leena: Don't say intuition.
Sabin: *pauses* Intuition.
Leena: AARGGHH! *jumps from chair*
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Turrent: *grabs Leena* Don't do it, fam. He ain't worth it.
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Leena: *shrugs Turrent off* Fine. What about you?
Turrent: Like I said, that's a bridge I'll cross if I make it.
Sabin: We'll make it Turrent. All of us.
Turrent: Sometimes when you say that, I believe you.
Alaina: You haven't answered Brother Sabin.
Sabin: I am going to be a father. It is something that scares me more than the threat of Guan domination. I will give my child the freedom of a world without war. I will teach him or her how to protect themselves. How to trust and how to love, things that did not come easy for me. Other than that, I will check on every one of you from time to time. For better or worse, you are my family. Especially you, Leena.
Leena: You're like an obnoxious little brother.
Yulan: *clears throat*
Sabin: Even you, Yulan. Please do not make me regret saying-
Yulan: *wraps Sabin in a bear hug*
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Turrent: *smiles* Look at him squirm.
Leena: *folds arms* I could watch this all day.
Author: I suppose that's the end of the interview. I hope you all enjoyed it.